A Preliminary Classification of Muslim Literature in the Philippines. What is discernible in the okir is that the work of women is generally more geometric, while that of the men, more floral (Saber and Orellana 1963). On 1 August 1989, Republic Act 6734 or the Organic Act for Mindanao created a mandate to provide an autonomous region in Mindanao. In 1886, General Torrero led an expedition against Datu Uto of Cotabato but although he was able to destroy the kota in Cotabato, he was unable to enforce Spanish sovereignty. In the past, Maranao society was defined by a three-rank system that included persons having claim to titles, free people with no claim to titles, and bond slaves. The cities of Isabela and Cotabato were not under the administrative jurisdiction of the ARMM despite the former being part of Basilan and the latter geographically considered but not politically part of Maguindanao province. Sulu was conquered by Admiral Jose Malcampo in 1876. The Prophet Muhammad answers no. The allegation adheres to Marawis reputation as a drug cartel territory in Muslim Mindanao where operations are purportedly controlled and protected by local officials and prominent families (Cagoco-Guiam and Schoofs 2016). Philippine Statistics Authority-National Statistics Office. The Supreme Court held that only Congress was empowered to create provinces and cities because the creation of such necessarily included the power to create legislative districts, which explicitly under the Philippine Constitution was within the sole prerogative of Congress to establish. Panaroro-on, Mindanao Proverbs. Uncrescent 1 (March): 3-4; 1 (July): 3; 1 (August): 2-3. The ritual of bringing the bride to the grooms place for the first time entails a price, and this must be paid. The film also depicts how various sociopolitical institutions have failed to provide not just the rebuilding of material structures wrought by the war in Marawi City, but also the emotional and mental support that the evacuees need. He advises his sister not to turn against her husband and to help bring glory and fame to Bumbaran. Direction: Give three (3) famous or unique traditions and cultures in Cagayan Region. Some Maranao houses have posts resting on rounded boulders; these floating foundations prevent the structures from collapsing during earthquakes. At the time when most of the Philippines was under Spanish rule, these sultanates maintained their independence and regularly challenged Spanish domination of the Philippines by conducting raids on Spanish coastal towns in the north and repulsing repeated Spanish incursions in their territory. Art in Maranao Life. In Filipino Heritage: The Making of a Nation, edited by Alfredo Roces, vol. Moses then tells him to return and to ask God that the number of prayers be reduced from 50 to five times daily. Sermons are said by the preacher standing on the mimbar (staired pulpit), which is of okir-carved wood. The kindest is the deer. 2008 - 2012. COTABATO CITY (MindaNews/10 August) - Traditional food and delicacies that distinguish the tribal groups in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao were featured in a festival here over the weekend. Nevertheless, Darangen remains relevant to the lives of the modern Maranao, some of whose elders cite it when applying custom law (UNESCO 2005). One example of this last type is the kadaolat sa miatai. December 16, 2023 to January 1, 2024. The President exercised general supervision over the Regional Governor. that Isabela City, Basilan, Lamitan, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi may become a single federal state, while Lanao del Sur, Marawi, Cotabato City, and Maguindanao may become a single federal state as well because the Muslims of the Sulu archipelago have a different heritage from the Muslims in mainland Mindanao. Photo exhibit features Sama's traditional rituals in Tabawan island Maranao brassware includes the talam (tray with stand); panalogadan (vase with stand or holders); sakdo (ladle); pangolain (sieve); salapa (betel box); lotoan (silver in-laid betel box); pots like the batidor and kandi; lantaka (cannon); and ceremonial and decorative vessels, the gador, niana, langguay, baong, and kabo. Majul, Cesar Adib. Cabrera, Ferdinandh and Violeta M. Gloria. The construction of hydroelectric infrastructure in and around Lake Lanao, with the aim of providing power to the rest of Mindanao, adversely affected the situation of the lake. Her wish is granted, and she dies in Minangoaw a Rogong. A Deadly Cocktail? This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/place/Mindanao. The dancers, trained early in their careers, are professionals. Darangen, 4 vols. The direction of the naga (dragon or serpent) must first be established, usually north to south, before construction can begin. Leonor Orosa-Goquingco (July 24, 1917 - July 15, 2005) was a 1976 Filipino national artist in creative dance. The executive council advises the Regional Governor on matters of governance of the autonomous region. 1986-1990. After delivery, the umbilical cord is tied to the nearest base and cut with an irab (a bamboo slit). Kadayawan Festival in Davao City. The Maranao Malong. Seventeen episodes of the Darangen have been collected. Another ritual related to the kashawing is the kazeriringan, which is dedicated to the spirits the community invokes to ensure the protection of both people and crops from illness and pestilence. . Today, farmers practice a combination of indigenous forms of planting and breeding rice with modern supplements like pesticides and fertilizers to increase yield (Dimaporo and Fernandez 2007, 77-78). Although Muslims are no longer a majority, Islamic culture is evident; there are many mosques, and distinctive brassware, including the kris, or dagger, is manufactured. Had Spain's plan in the 1800s to establish an extensive public instruction system up to the tertiary level with Spanish as a medium of instruction been carried out (Alzona, 1932, p. 95), Filipinos might have been proficient in the Spanish language at the end of Spanish rule in 1898.However, when Spain ceded the Philippines to the United States after the Spanish-American war, basic education . In 1596, the Spanish government gave Captain Rodriguez de Figueroa the sole right to colonize Mindanao. There are at least seven radio stations that are based in Marawi City, although most are currently inactive most likely because of the Marawi siege. A failure of elections is declared in an area when election officers tasked to facilitate the process fail to show up and start the polls, most likely because of threats to their safety or the occurrence of violent incidents. Engl12 21st Q1mod2 Text Authors Philippines Marylyn Burgos Bgo v1 They include the Magindanao, Maranao, Ilanun, and Sangil; all are Muslim groups sometimes collectively called the Moro. UNESCO has cited several reasons for this, including the epics rich vocabulary and archaic linguistic forms that can only be understood by practitioners, elders and scholars. These, and the Maranao embracing more mainstream and modern ways of living, may cause its eventual extinction. . In the early 17th century, the largest alliance composed of the Maranao, Maguindanao, Tausug, and other Muslim groups was formed by Maguindanaos Sultan Kudarat, also known as Cachel Corralat, whose domain extended from the Davao Gulf to Dapitan on the Zamboanga peninsula. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. 1974. These included the creation of provincial and district institutions; the introduction of the public school system and American-inspired judicial system; the imposition of the cedula (head tax); the migration of Christians to Muslim lands, with the encouragement of the colonial government; and the abolition of slavery. On 1 August 1989, RA 6734 or the Organic Act for Mindanao created the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). After the 1963 to 1964 survey, a new survey of fisheries was conducted in Lake Lanao from 1990 to 1991. 1975. In about 1668 the Sultanate of Maguindanao was . Mindanao State University. The melodies represent several themes, among them the palagoy ka saladung (run deer run), kapromayas (a place), mamayog (love), sinolog (from Sulu), kasegorongan (characterized by a rising and falling melody), kapmagarib (sunset), katitik panday, derived from tintik (beating), and panday (creative). [27][28] The 89-page decision, written by Associate Justice Conchita Carpio-Morales ruled: In sum, the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process committed grave abuse of discretion when he failed to carry out the pertinent consultation process, as mandated by EO No. their unique cultural beliefs, tradition . It takes approximately two to three weeks to weave a mat, which is then taken to the market and bought by a comprador. 2005, 1). Modern Maranao rice farmers are mindful of keeping rice seeds separate from houses with pregnant women or dead persons. The act also granted the state the right to confer land ownership. 0 references. [23], On July 18, 2008, Hermogenes Esperon, peace advisor to then President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, in his talks with Moro Islamic Liberation Front rebels in Malaysia, revealed the planned expansion of the region. The term Maranao, Meranao, or Mranao derives from ranao, which means lake; hence, Maranao means people of the lake. The traditional home of the Maranao is the area surrounding Lake Lanao, the second largest lake in the Philippine archipelago, next to Laguna de Bay in Luzon. This article is from the CCP Encyclopedia of Philippine Art Digital Edition. Manila: Lahing Pilipino Publishing Inc. Isidro, Antonio. Dialogue For Development: Papers from the First National Congress of Philippine Folklore and Other Scholars, 27-30 December. The Muslim Filipinos and Islam. Mindanao Journal 3 (October-Deccember): 45-58. The chief crops are corn (maize), rice, abaca, bananas, pineapples, mangoes, and coconuts. Office of . Another obstacle awaits him; he has to fulfill the rites of leka sa gibon (opening the room). Manila: University of Santo Tomas Press. Establishment of the ARMM The Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao region was first created on August 1, 1989 through Republic Act No. Mohajirin Ali, the partnership would accelerate BARMM's socioeconomic and peace development and integrate development initiatives in the identified fields of cooperation in Mindanao, including those concerns for the Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA). ( Small spaghetti-like strips of wax are made separately, formed into various okir designs, and laid together with the mold. If it collapsed, it was not deemed worthy to be occupied. In crossing Lake Lanao for the first time with the child, the parents must drop a coin or any metal object into the lake. The kind of Islam that arrived in the Philippines had already assimilated various other traditions. The widowed line flooring of the house is of split bamboo tied with rattan. Additional designs called borda, adapted from traditional okir motifs, are embroidered on the malong. Tan, Samuel K. 1977. The violent armed struggle against the Japanese, Filipinos, Spanish, and Americans is considered by current Moro Muslim leaders as part of the four centuries long "national liberation movement" of the Bangsamoro (Moro Nation). Foremost of this groups productions that are derived from Maranao literature are plays in Tagalog: Pilandok, 1974; Mga Kuwentong Maranao (Maranao Tales), 1975; and Maharadia Lawana, 1977. Wudu (places of ablutions) are located near the mosque. Set in a war-stricken place where the military is on red alert due to recent bombings, the Maranao man becomes a victim of stereotyping that Moro people always endure. They are garbed in Maranao finery, complete with kerchief and tobao (a turban tied around the head) with one end pointing stiffly upwards. PDF Armm culture and tradition pdf - Simokatojerosu.weebly.com The size of the mat is determined by the number of da-ir (panels), which, in turn, are determined by the length of the sesed. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. The lumad (indigenous peoples) and their ancestral lands proved to be the most vulnerable during the imposition of martial law. The direction of Mecca, which the congregation faces, is marked by a mihrab (niche in the wall). With magic words, she has one of her leper slaves enter a statue of a golden bird that she has made. The region's de facto seat of government was Cotabato City, although this self-governing city was outside its jurisdiction. The finest example of Maranao architecture is the torogan, which showcases the best of Maranao okir, literally carving. On the facade there are panolong (winglike house beams) with a pako rabong (fern) or naga motif. [21] RA 9054 lapsed into law on March 31, 2001, without the signature of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Due to the challenges in establishing the Bangsamoro entity in the previous administrations, then Mayor Rodrigo Duterte of Davao City announced his intent to establish a federal form of government which would replace the unitary form of government in his campaign speeches for the 2016 Philippine presidential election, which he subsequently won. Project 57. [25] Several lawmakers had filed petitions with the Supreme Court to stop the Philippine government from concluding the MOA-AD due to lack of transparency and for MILF's failure to cut ties with the al-Qaeda-linked terrorist network Jemaah Islamiyah, which aims to establish a pan-Islamic state in Southeast Asia using MILF camps in southwestern Mindanao as training grounds and staging points for attacks. Muslim Separatism. After this, the groom searches for his bride; but he cannot just enter the room where she is hidden until he satisfies the demands of the bridal entourage. Darangen is an epic composed of several narratives whose verses are chanted by the onor (singer). 25 January 2019. start time. In 2012, the FDCP opened the Marawi Cinematheque in Pacasum Square, Marawi City. patient payment services; ibew local 47 traffic control wages; It exercised legislative power in the autonomous region, except on the following matters: foreign affairs, national defense and security, postal service, coinage and fiscal and monetary policies, administration of justice, quarantine, customs and tariff, citizenship, naturalization, immigration and deportation, general auditing, national elections, maritime, land, and air transportation, communications, patents, trademarks, trade names, and copyrights, foreign trade, and may legislate on matters covered by the Sharia, the law governing Muslims. When the family moves into the new house, the relatives come for the semang (housewarming ceremonies), bringing with them palay placed in tabak (trays) and a cheerful hope of prosperity for the family. Esh Salem - Senior History Researcher - LinkedIn In 2001, as a result of a referendum, RA 9054 provided for the inclusion of Marawi City in the ARMM, along with the province of Basilan, except Isabela City. Llamzon, Teodoro A. The word Blaan could have derived from bila, meaning house, and the suffix an, meaning people, so that the term may be taken to mean Maranao People of the Philippines: History, Culture and Arts, Customs and Traditions [Lanao Indigenous People | Ethnic Group], A view of Lake Lanao (Courtesy of the Provincial Government of Lanao del Sur), The Maranao population is estimated at 1,099,997, distributed as follows: 241,400 in Lanao del Norte or 22% of its total population; and 858,559 in Lanao del Sur or 78% of its total population. Pre-Discussion: Ethnic group is a group of people who share a similar culture (beliefs, values, and behaviors), language, religion, ancestry, or other characteristic that is often handed down from one generation to the next. The dove is surprised to discover the duck enjoying the waters; but, instead of reprimanding the duck, the dove collects the amount of water it can carry back to the Prophet. Other produce include corn; fruits such as bananas, jackfruit, madang, durian, avocado, and mangoes; and vegetables such as cabbage, Chinese leaf, onions, carrots, cassava, sweet potato, and potato. President Marcos, on March 25, 1977, signed Presidential Proclamation No. The following example narrates and explains the division of Lanao into four states or encampments: Four brothersButuanon, Dimaampao, Batara Sa Kilatun, and Batolaconganfrom the land of Bumbaran journey to the Lake Lanao region, which is still a jungle. However, this practice is slowly becoming unpopular (Isidro 1976, 46-52). It stands 30 to 220 centimeters above the ground and rests on nine to 12 bamboo or wooden poles. The imam recites the wedding rite and gives advice on the duties and responsibilities involved in married life. Darangen, like all the other proclaimed masterpieces of oral literature, was chosen for its outstanding value, roots in cultural tradition, affirmation of cultural identity, source of inspiration and intercultural exchange, contemporary cultural and social role, excellence in the application of skills, unique testimony of living cultural tradition, and risk of disappearing (UNESCO 2005). It illustrates a gross evasion of positive duty and a virtual refusal to perform the duty enjoined.[29][30][31]. The region was strengthened and expanded through the ratification of Republic Act No. Cagoco-Guiam, Rufa and Steven Schoofs. The kalawian is the last obstacle that the groom must face. Additional Information? Miravite, Rosalina. This practice predates the introduction of both Islam and Christianity in the Philippines (Durante et al. One outstanding example of Maranao metalwork is the silver in-laid, brass sarimanok piece from Taraka. Davao City: Pawikan Press. Until the passage of Republic Act No. A new law, the Bangsamoro Basic Law, would govern the creation of this new entity. However, the Muslims did not know that the Treaty of Paris, which had ceded the Philippine archipelago to the Americans, included their land as well. 1973. In 2011 the Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP) sponsored a Sineng Pambansa short-film competition with the theme Peace. Three Maranao students of the MSU-Marawi won the top awards: Doss Lucman Pacasum for Renek (To Be at Peace), Sittie Ayeesha Dicali for Pagari (Brothers), and Najib Alyhar Benito Zacaria for Margas (Rice). The most popular and artistic way of playing the kulintang is the kapagonor, where the various styles of holding the basal (decorated sticks used in beating the kulintang pieces) are shown. Manila: Lahing Pilipino Publishing Inc. Gowing, Peter G. 1983. Mindanao's Literature of Conflict (Filipino Muslim Literature) Mindanao has thirty-three ethno-linguistic groups, which thirteen of them are Islamized; nineteen are Lumads and third and fourth are Christian settlers. The groups mission is to preserve indigenous dance, music, and rituals in the so-called MINSUPALA (Mindanao, Sulu, and Palawan) region (Msumain.edu.ph 2021; Villaruz 2021; Lao 2020). They convey messages in poetic form, which often make more impact than direct confrontation. Failure to do so can forfeit the wedding. Yabes, Criselda. Sumali o mag-sign in para mahanap ang susunod mong trabaho. Provincial board of canvassers official displays election return sheets A few companies that had invested in ARMM-covered provinces before the peace deal with the MNLF have fared well, however, despite the volatile situation in the region. The texts are essentially childrens rhymes, as in A. Madales (1975) example: Of multicolored snakes and striped crocodiles. Mosque in the Philippines. . Hence, its plays are in Filipino, that is, Tagalog and Bisaya or Cebuano, with a few Maranao interjections. It is re-dried and flattened, after which it is ready for weaving. The sultan, datu, and other aristocrats who constitute the traditional elite continue to wield influence in Maranao society. The Moro Wars. In The Muslim Filipinos: Their History, Society and Contemporary Problems, edited by Peter Gowing and Robert McAmis. The first subdivides into four territories: forbidden, that is, Mecca and Medina; reserve, that is, Iraq, Syria, the Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Egypt, Afghanistan, and other areas controlled by Muslims; canonical, where Muslims are allowed to practice their faith in a non-Islamic country, like the Philippines; and irredentist, of which Muslims had control until they were forced out by nations like Spain and Israel. Margas, 10 minutes, begins with Karim saying his morning prayer as his wife prepares breakfast and listens to the news broadcast that a girl has been kidnapped. Sie suchen nach einem 70413 lego, das Ihren Ansprchen gerecht wird? Marawi City: Mindanao State University. The Maranao still believe in pre-Islamic spirits and beings, and the practices associated with them. [24] The deal, negotiated in secret talks with the MILF and subject to approval, would give the ARMM control of an additional 712 villages on the south west portion of Mindanao, as well as broader political and economic powers.[24]. As a solution, the Sohara (Voice of Allah) commanded Diabarail to gather all the angels, and with them, to move Mantapoli to the center of the earth. During World War II, the Muslims in general supported the fight against the Japanese, who were less tolerant and harsher to them than the Manila government. [22] However, on July 16, 2008, the Supreme Court of the Philippines voided the creation of Shariff Kabunsuan, declaring unconstitutional Section 19 in RA 9054 which granted the ARMM Regional Assembly the power to create provinces and cities. For several years, he stays with his wife and his brother-in-law, Miyangondaya Linog, in their kingdom. Culture, food, arts highlight Muslim Holy month in ARMM However, the creation of this council and its Lake Lanao Watershed Protection Plan have not substantially resolved the management issues in Lake Lanao. Inside are carved panels and the tinai a walai (intestines) or central beam of the house. On top or in front of the grave is a chair bedecked with colorful Maranao textile. 1974. 2011. Establishment of the ARMM The Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao region was first created on August 1, 1989 through Republic Act No. A dove is then sent to find out what happened to the duck. Muslim missionaries arrived in Tawi-Tawi in 1380 and started the colonization of the area and the conversion of the native population to Islam. Performance & security by Cloudflare. A pananaroon called kapangilat, aimed at someone else, indicates that size does not necessarily mean strength: A pananaroon may also admonish or promote right conduct even in the privacy of ones home, for someone may be looking. Lanao del Norte: Population Growth Rate Decreased to 1.53 Percent. PSA-NSO wesbite. Within each agama, one or more titleholders belong to a superior political level and are given the title sultan. ARMM Region Soc.Stud10 - SlideShare It was performed at the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) in May 2008 for the Filipino Heritage Month, the theme of which was the Filipino epic. Around Lake Lanao are forest resources that have been tapped for commercial purposes; during the fiscal year of 1973 to 1974, timber harvest around the lake amounted to over 69.5 million board feet for export and domestic markets, with a value of approximately 65.6 million pesos. An important prose narrative of the Maranao is the Maharadia Lawana, the Maranao version of certain episodes and characters in the Indian epic Ramayana. The Regional Legislative Assembly was the legislative branch of the ARMM government. These wars made the Maranao perfect their own defense through the kota (fortification of rock and earth), camouflaged with vegetation. 6734 which signed into law by President Corazon Aquino on August 1, 1989. that is the mystery of our language why it is very hard to learn by other local Filipinos.=x=x=x=x=x=. Four years later, Governor-General Ramon Blanco and two light gunboatsthe SS General Blanco and the SS Lanaoattacked Marawi and destroyed the Maranao kota. Muslim Mindanao Autonomy Act No. After he has bought rice for his familys lunch, he picks up a passenger who holds a gun to him and drives away with his tricycle. Other types include those that deal with life-cycle rituals and, in particular, with spirits or souls of the dead. Tubular Skirt, Umbrella, Hammock, Mosquito Net and Work of Art. In Filipino Heritage: The Age of Trade and Contacts. Click to reveal 6734 (otherwise known as the Organic Act) in pursuance with a constitutional mandate to provide for an autonomous area in Muslim Mindanao. One underlying feature of Maranao visual art, be it brass, silver, textile, or wood, is okir. The narrow northwestern coast of Luzon directly facing the West Philippine Sea is the native domain of the Ilocano. Majority of Filipino Muslims live in this island group, particularly in the Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). Mythical creatures, snakes, or leaves are carved into the ivory handles of kris. Political and electoral development in the province of Lanao del Sur, where most of the Maranao reside, continue to be hampered by the prevailing cycle of violence. The MOA-AD was supposed to be signed on 5 August 2008, but the Philippine Supreme Court intervened and declared the agreement unconstitutional. 1974. These were Maguindanao, Lanao del Sur, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi. In many ways, the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) is perhaps the least known region in the Philippinesmaybe because it also the most geographically remote. One son reveals himself and becomes the ancestor of the Maranao. Maranao kulintang melodies can be classified into inandang (classical), binalig (borrowed from other groups), and bargo (modern). Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Each sleeping space also serves as the familys living room, working space, and dining room. It is believed that a lunar eclipse is caused by a giant lion that has swallowed the moon. Ethnic villages showcase cultures, traditions of 5 tribes in ARMM Mednick, Melvin. 2012 Full Year Official Poverty Statistics. NSCB website. Myth, Symbolism, and National Unity. Mindanao Journal 4 (1-4): 153-173. The Islamic aversion to realistic representations of human or animal forms has resulted in nature being abstracted into sophisticated symbolic forms. The datus of Bumbaran meet one day and express concern about the unmarried state of their datu. The most common stone carvings include hollow blocks using okir motifs for house decor and grave markers, which are not as elaborately carved as those in Sulu. 27 febrero, 2023 . Angels occupy the sky, which is likewise seven-layered; heaven is found on the final layer. 1991. Armando Velasco, an official of the provincial board of canvassers, displays a copy of election returns sheets from the Autonomous Region on Muslim Mindanao to lawyers before it is tallied in Cotabato city in the southern Philippines August 9, 2005. When Corazon C. Aquino became president, a new constitution, which provided for the creation of autonomous regions in Mindanao and the Cordilleras, was ratified. http://sc.judiciary.gov.ph/jurisprudence/2008/october2008/183591.htm. Cagayan De Oro City: Xavier University. Bangsamoro artists join BCPCH's visual arts competition 1083 A DECREE TO ORDAIN AND PROMULGATE A CODE RECOGNIZING THE SYSTEM OF FILIPINO MUSLIM LAWS, CODIFYING MUSLIM PERSONAL LAWS, AND PROVIDING FOR ITS ADMINISTRATION AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES", Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao Official Website, Bureau of Public Information ARMM Latest News & Events in ARMM, BARMM Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, ARMM Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, List of cities and municipalities in the Philippines, Philippine campaign against the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, 2012 Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro, 2014 Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Autonomous_Region_in_Muslim_Mindanao&oldid=1132082651, States and territories established in 1989, States and territories disestablished in 2019, 2019 disestablishments in the Philippines, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Filipino-language text, Pages using collapsible list with both background and text-align in titlestyle, Articles containing Tagalog-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2011, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Articles with incomplete citations from September 2009, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 7 January 2023, at 05:00.