If a permit is administratively denied the property owner may appeal to a committee composed of the Mayor, Mayor Pro tem, and City Administrator. Pedestrian, vehicle, water, wastewater and drainage improvements must be extended to the perimeter of a subdivision. A. Applicability. A copy of the agreements providing for the proper and continuous operation, maintenance and supervision of such facilities shall be presented to the City Administrator and approved as to form by the City Attorney at the time of final plat approval or site development permit issuance and shall be filed of record with the plat or permit thereof. C. That the proposed use and site development, together with any modifications applicable thereto, will be completely compatible with existing or permitted uses in the vicinity. Action on Permit. A condominium is not a type of structure per se, but rather a form of ownership. The City Administrator, City Inspector [or] other City official duly authorized by the City Council may order all work, including site clearing or other site preparation, stopped on any site where a significant violation of this Code or a subdivision plat or approved site plan is found. Furthermore, the financial institution shall be reviewed and approved in advance and the letters of credit or bonds shall conform to forms or criteria approved in advance by the City Council. Issue the sign permit, if the sign(s) that is the subject of the application conforms in every respect with the requirements of the Section and of the applicable Master or Common Signage Plan; or. Building, Principal. CONVALESCENT SERVICES. Development applications shall be prepared and submitted in a format acceptable to the City Administrator. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. 6. In reliance upon properly issued permits or approvals the applicant made substantial financial commitments or assumed substantial financial obligations within the purview of the activities authorized by said permit or approvals; and, 2. A. Applicability. PROFESSIONAL OFFICE. Parking of motor vehicles on a temporary basis within a privately owned off-street parking facility, other than accessory to a principal use. M. The City Administrators report may include a recommendation for final action. iii. A. D. When good cause exists, the City Administrator may extend the period of time for completion. A certificate by the City Administrator or his designee that the construction conforms to the plans and specifications and the standards contained in or referred to in this Code must be presented to the City Council by the landowner or developer prior to approval of the final plat. The City Administrator or his designee may involve representatives of or request assessments from other agencies and departments and consultants. Generally, parking lots shall be laid out to continue the street/block pattern of the area so that the lots can easily be redeveloped with buildings consistent with the urban design of the surrounding development[.]. 1 . BUSINESS OR TRADE SCHOOL. The duration of the temporary use shall be consistent with the intent of the use and compatible with the surrounding land uses. B. Policy- or legislative-related applications for permits required for a particular project may occur in any order, but shall be sequenced so that when final actions occur, each approval provides any requisite requirement for a subsequent related approval. Any funds accepted by the City shall be earmarked for construction of the improvements for which the contribution was made. The extension of the City or the extension, improvement, or widening of its roads, taking into account access to and extension of sewer and water mains and the instrumentalities of public utilities. Some of these procedures may be followed concurrently, while some procedures require pre-approval of other procedures. Minor subdivisions in which all lots are fifteen (15) acres or larger. The construction or substantial alteration of open lands, or agricultural, residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, or transportation facilities or structures including any manmade change to improved or unimproved real estate, including, but not limited to buildings and other structures, dredging, fill, grading, paving, clearing, excavation, dumping, extraction, or storage of equipment or materials. If the City Council finds, after notice and hearing, that a significant violation of an approved site plan has occurred, the Council may revoke its approval of such site plan. The projected wastewater discharge of a proposed development shall not exceed the proposed capacity of the proposed developments wastewater system. The City Administrator or his designee shall ordinarily administer and enforce the provisions of this Code. This information will be published in the Administrative Procedures Manual. Compliance with the general development plan and development agreement or ordinance governing the parcel of land to which the site plan is related. The unincorporated area that is contiguous to the corporate boundaries of the municipality and that is located within one-half mile of those boundaries (in the case of a municipality with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants). Any passenger vehicle, truck, truck-trailer, or semi-trailer propelled or drawn by mechanical power. Upon completion of installation and construction of all required improvements, the developer may seek acceptance of all public improvements by the City by submitting the required number of copies of as-built plans and a one year maintenance bond in an amount as specified at the time of final plat submittal. The City Council is responsible for final action on applications for Conditional Use Permits. Govt. A. D. Where, due to topographic conditions, permanent structures, or other conditions, the view is obstructed between any two adjacent monuments, intermediate monuments shall be set as to assure a clear view between adjacent monuments. Any device or representation that is used to visually communicate its subject to others. Should there be a conflict between the Code and the Williamson County Subdivision Regulations, the more stringent criteria will apply: Includes: Comprehensive Plan Consistency Review, Minor Plat, Amending Plat, Replat, Preliminary Plat, Construction Plan, and Final Plat. A Legal Lot Verification Letter is a letter in accordance with 212.0115 of the Texas Local Government Code that indicates whether or not a lot has been properly platted. Where complete separation of pedestrians and vehicles and bicycles is not possible, potential hazards shall be minimized by the use of techniques such as special paving, grade separations, pavement marking, signs or striping, bollards, median refuge areas, traffic calming features, landscaping, lighting or other means to clearly delineate pedestrian areas, for both day and night use. A facility providing medical, psychiatric, or surgical service for sick or injured persons, primarily on an in-patient basis, and including ancillary facilities for out-patient and emergency treatment, diagnostic services, training, research, administration, and services to patients, employees, or visitors. Allowable Density. COMMUNITY RECREATION. Special planning areas are identified in the following Zoning District Table as Overlay Districts. The Planning Department provides comprehensive land use services, both to the public and to the City, in support of the preservation, assistance and regulation of development in the City of Liberty Hill and its Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). 7. Intermittent Stream. In the case of a conflict between two standards, the more restrictive shall apply. E. Procedures for City Council review and action will be developed and adopted by the Council when appropriate. The City Administrator shall publish public notice at least once in a local newspaper of general circulation within the City at least 15 days in advance of the meeting or hearing. An individual, or business entity, that has applied for a vested rights determination may request a variance from the time limit, required action, or term that would otherwise cause the vested rights to expire. Property that touches or is directly across a street from the subject property. After each application receives final action, the next consecutive application in the Code process will be reviewed for completeness pursuant to the appropriate process. This Code shall apply to all matters pertaining to the use and development of land within the jurisdiction described in Section 1.04 above. If the application is not resubmitted within a period specified by the City Administrator, a new application and fee shall be required. FINANCIAL SERVICES. D. The BOA review process will be required for any permit or application that requires final action from the BOA, as described in this Code. Any stable for the housing of horses or mules, operated for remuneration, hire, sale, or stabling, or any stable, not related to the ordinary operation of a farm. The City Council is responsible for final action on all developments, after determination of compliance and recommendation by the City Administrator. The City Council shall have the authority to hear and grant requests for a variance from the development standards of this Code. The City Council may initiate the legal process to obtain an injunction, mandamus, abatement or any other action available in law or equity to prevent, enjoin, abate, correct or remove such unlawful structure, use, or development, or otherwise ensure compliance with this Code. A plat or replat or site development permit will not be approved unless the proposed lot(s) or site developments are served by an approved means of wastewater collection and treatment. Accessory Dwelling Unit. For quantitative control, a system of vegetative and structural measures that control the increased volume and rate of surface runoff caused by manmade changes to the land; and for qualitative control, a system of vegetative, structural, and other measures that reduce or eliminate pollutants that might otherwise be carried by surface runoff. A yard extending along the full length of the front lot line of the zoned area. If such conforming use is changed to a use otherwise authorized in said zoning district, then such premises may be used thereafter only for a use authorized in the zoning district where the premises are located. C. The Parks and Recreation Board will be constituted and conduct all activities in accordance with this Code and all other applicable codes, and any adopted Bylaws. B. Submission Requirements. Criteria for Approval. A person with freehold, possessor, or contractual interest in land proposed for development. A. House Number. Physiographic Features. City Hall 409 N Calhoun St West Liberty, IA 52776. Sanitary sewer system including utility easements, sanitary sewer lines, manholes, and lift stations. Development and permit application fees shall be established from time to time by ordinance of the City Council. Prior to final approval of any plan within the City Limits, the City Engineer must certify to the City Administrator that all requirements for a TCEQ Stormwater Permit are met by the site plan. Does not affect the residential character of the dwelling nor cause the dwelling to be extended; 4. Subdivision-related procedures are necessary to establish how individual lots or projects may be developed. G. Minimum Requirements. F. Estimates for posting fiscal surety for landscaping requirements, maintenance, erosion and sedimentation control, roads, and utilities are also required for final plat review. Temporary real estate signs (commonly referred to as bandit signs) are permitted Friday, Saturday and Sunday only, and must be removed by Monday morning, per TxDoT regulations. B. That granting the administrative exception will not adversely affect adjoining property values in any material way. Note Future Land Use Map for those areas that are designated as Mixed Use, Clustered Residential, or Duplex Residential. All such terms shall be considered interchangeable. Any such prohibition must be prospective and shall not apply to a mobile home previously legally permitted and used or occupied as a residential dwelling within the city. Establishments or places of business engaged in sale from the premises of feed, grain, fertilizers, pesticides and similar goods or in the provision of agriculturally related services with incidental storage on lots other than where the service is rendered. F. No tree shall be planted in a public right-of-way without prior authorization from the City Administrator and any other applicable entity (e.g., Williamson County, TxDoT). Yards include the required setbacks and open space for individual lots. Construction plans must be submitted to the City Engineer for all existing or proposed streets, sidewalks, drainage and utility improvements, water quality controls, park improvements, and any other infrastructure or public improvements that are required or proposed to be constructed, reconstructed, improved, or modified to serve the development. All nonresidential development shall adhere to development standards found in Chapter 6, Site Development Standards, as well as other applicable standards found in this Code. Wireless Transmission Facilities are allowed, without a Conditional Use Permit, on existing towers or tanks, utility, lighting standard, sign support or other appropriate structures provided that the antenna or related equipment or structures do not exceed, by 10 feet, the lesser of the height of the structure or the height limits of the highest permitted structure in the district in which it is located. Washing and cleaning of automobiles and related light equipment. D. Review and processing of applications will continue during this extended review period, pursuant to the implementation of the extended review period. If the applicant refuses to accept alternative resolution of the dispute, the appeal will be heard and acted upon by the BOA no later than its next meeting. A use engaged in the loaning of money on the security of property pledged in the keeping of the pawnbroker, and the incidental sale of such property. Shared Open Space. Adjustment of Numerical Standard. A business or organization being the sole business occupant of a premises. Any application for subdivision approval or subdivision improvements, zoning or zoning change, or site development in accordance with this Code must comply with these standards. Premises. Part of a building between any floor and the floor next above, and if there be no floor above, then the ceiling above. Until the Commission has been given final action authority by the City Council, appeals shall be made to City Council. The following general provisions apply: A. Guarantee of Performance. COMMUNICATION SERVICES. C. Reduction of Minimum Residential Lot Width. The owner of an impounded sign may recover the same upon payment of an impoundment fee for each sign, and all costs associated with the removal of the sign, prior to the expiration of the fourteen (14) day impoundment period; in the event the sign is not claimed and retrieved from the Citys possession within fourteen (14) days, the City Administrator shall have authority to dispose of such sign. F. Applications must be made in a format consistent with requirements determined by the City Administrator. Density Bonus. 2. The City Administrator shall consider any other conditions that may arise as a result of the temporary use. F. Multifamily Residential (MF1). Exceptions to these requirements include the following: 1. The action will be abated upon request of either party for mediation if appealed within 10 days. I. Agricultural use types include the on-site production of plant and animal products by agricultural methods. z2 by Content Technology Solutions. C. Land Clearing and Modification. Rear Yard. Any facilities owned and maintained in common by the inhabitants of the development, including, but not limited to, drives, water systems, sewer systems, parking areas, open space, club houses, amenities, and developed recreation areas. F. Complaints Regarding Violations. 4. The preliminary plan must be approved prior to the final plat approval. A person commits an offense if the person intentionally alters, defaces, injures, knocks down, or removes or attempts to do so, any sign designating a fire lane which has been erected under the terms of this Code section. Block face. Driveway. 2. Land Use Compatibility. FUNERAL SERVICES. The expiration date established by applying the subsection discussing regulations pertaining to the Permit as established in Chapter 3 Applications and Permits[]; or. Any land developed or undeveloped, reserved or dedicated, as yards, parks, landscaped green areas, and recreational areas, and is exclusive of areas developed for off-street parking, structures and streets. This number will be affected by Lot Standards in Table 5.1 [4-4]. To allow the establishment of a use not otherwise permitted in the applicable zoning district. Gross Residential Density. Equipment Repair Services. Lot, Interior. A. The city has attempted to provide parks to serve the immediate recreational needs of residents near their homes, but it faces a severe shortage of local recreational space as new subdivisions are approved and the citys population grows. Words and phrases used in this Section shall have the meanings set forth in the Reference section of this Code. When standards are in conflict, the more restrictive standard shall apply. The federal government, the State, a county, municipal corporation, or other political subdivision of the State, or any of their units, or an individual, receiver, trustee, guardian, executor, Manager, fiduciary, or representative of any kind, or any partnership, firm, association, public or private corporation, or any of their affiliates, or any other entity. B. Conformance with applicable regulations in this Code and standards established by the regulations. Failed loading. No such extension shall be granted unless fiscal surety, as set forth above, has been provided by the landowner or developer covering the extended period of time. C. No building permit or certificate of occupancy may be issued for any parcel or tract of land until such property has received final plat approval and is in conformity with the provisions of this Code, the plat has been recorded, public improvements have been accepted by the City (if applicable), and no private improvements will take place or be commenced except in conformity with these regulations in this Code. I. Such reapplication must demonstrate: A. Typical uses include new and used car dealerships, motorcycle dealerships, and boat, trailer, and recreational vehicle dealerships. A property tax exemption obtained pursuant to Property Tax Code of the State of Texas shall constitute prima facie evidence of religious assembly use. What are the current projects going on in Liberty Hill. Farm Plan. Planning provides support to the Planning and Zoning Commission, City Council and other advisory committees by providing public information, reviews, recommendations, and preparation of reports. As a condition of deferring the obligation to dedicate rights-of-way for or to improve thoroughfares, which deferral shall be in the sole discretion of the City, the City shall require the developer to execute a subdivision or site development improvement agreement specifying the amount and timing of the rights-of-way dedication or improvements to thoroughfares, including the posting or depositing of a letter of credit or other fiscal surety, in a form and under terms acceptable to the City, in advance of approval of the development application. Except where otherwise provided therein, the maximum fine for violating any provision of this Code, or any ordinance, rule or police regulation that governs fire safety, zoning or public health and sanitation, including dumping of refuse, shall not exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00); for all other violations, the maximum fine shall not exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00); provided, however, that no penalty shall be greater or less than the penalty provided for the same or a similar offense under the laws of the state. The City Engineer may at his professional discretion (and approval by City Council) issue a waiver to this requirement. 2. Establishment or places of business engaged in the preparation and retail sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, including taverns, bars[,] cocktail lounges, and similar uses other than a restaurant as that term is defined herein. Any sign located, or proposed to be located, at any place other than upon the property of the business or other activity identified on such a sign. Absolute majority. C. The landowner or developer of a site development shall post fiscal surety, as provided below, to assure completion of all construction required under this Code following issuance of the site development permit. (l) Unless otherwise specified, the requirements of this section shall apply to all residential subdivisions. The passage or movement of water into the soil surface. An accessory building, not related to the ordinary operation of a farm, for the housing of horses or mules owned by a person or persons living on the premises and which horses or mules are not for hire or sale. To change the runoff characteristics of a parcel of land in conjunction with residential industrial, commercial, or institutional construction or alteration. Design and construction of infrastructure in the City and ETJ shall be consistent with the policies and guidelines established in the most recent versions of the Liberty Hill Comprehensive Plan. C. Access. Each variance request will be judged on its own merit based on subparagraph (b) [B] below. Indoor Entertainment. The following regulations shall apply to all applications. In order to provide a method by which human error (e.g., miscalculations) may be corrected, administrative exceptions or adjustments may be permitted. any land used to raise or store trees, shrubs, flowers, and other plants for sale, facilities for the display and sale of those items and/or of gardening supplies, and accessory greenhouses, storage buildings, or customer parking areas. Home Occupation Types. B. Any permit, certificate or license issued in conflict with the provisions of this Code is null and void. Water system including utility easements, water distribution lines, fire hydrants, valves, pumps, and water towers in conformance with the terms and regulations of the provider of said utility; C. Sanitary sewer system including utility easements, sanitary sewer lines, manholes, and lift stations in conformance with the terms and regulations of the provider of said utility; D. Drainage system including drainage easements, channels, storm sewer lines and inlets, basins, control structures, and landscaping; G. Utilities for electric and telephone service and associated utility easements installed in conformance with the terms and regulations of the provider of said utility; H. Gas, cable television and other telecommunications service and associated utility easements, when provided, installed in conformance with the terms and regulations of the provider of said utility. The application fee required for all policy or legislative applications is not refundable. It may be a loop street or may link local and/or collector streets. The City Engineer must be a registered professional engineer, licensed by the State of Texas and competent in the design and review of land development and urban public works. Side Yard. (b) The subdividers of all residential subdivision of more than four single-family lots shall be required to provide for the parkland needs of future residents through the clear fee simple dedication of suitable land for park and recreational purposes. Incidental Sign. Zoning Overlay District. I. G. Seasonal decorations with lights in place no longer than sixty (60) days. D. Potentially unfavorable effects or impacts on other existing or permitted uses on abutting sites, to the extent that such impacts exceed those which reasonably may result from use of the site by a permitted use. The manufactured housing base district is a residential district intended to allow HUD-code manufactured housing on subdivided, individually-owned lots, at a maximum density of 6.7 units per acre (minimum lot size 6,500 sf). The Planning and Zoning Commission shall forward its recommendation to the City Council, which is responsible for final action on the Preliminary Plat. The City Administrator may present evidence and argument to the contrary. To provide for Temporary Signs without Commercial Messages in limited circumstances; 4.