(TV: The Day of the Doctor) Even Clara considered "the Doctor" to be his true name and the only one that mattered. During the Blackest Night legendary event Kent is raised from the dead and becomes member of the Black Lantern Corps but just in Blackest Night after that he returns to his well deserve rest. Hector Hall is a fictional character, a superhero appearing in DC Comics 's Infinity, Inc., Sandman and JSA. [57], Like other Doctor Fates, Hector's possession of the Nabu's mystical artifacts makes him among the most powerful sorcerers in the DC Universe. Later revisions to his history altered his relationship with Nabu, portraying him as an overbearing, controlling figure that manipulated a young Kent Nelson into being his agent while slowly supplanting his free will with his own. He has gone by the names Silver Scarab, Sandman, and Doctor Fate. (PROSE: Shroud of Sorrow), On several occasions, the Doctor claimed they were not a medical doctor. In 1940, Kent met Inza Cramer at Alexandria, Egypt on his way back to the United States. In the 2020s, the character was given magical apprentices in the form of his sidekicks Stitch and Salem the Witch Girl. The Master of Magic comes complete with two head portraits including a Helmet of Fate portrait with light-up eyes . An Atlantean demigod and a fellow Lord of Order whose one of the few to possess a physical body. Like Doctor Strange with the Eye of Agamotto and the Cloak of Levitation, Doctor Fate has his own set of magical equipment to reinforce Nabu's hosts. (, He also used it while posing as a patient at, While temporarily human in 20th Century England, he used the name John Smith, believing it to be his, He used the name "Dr. John Smith, opto-mechanical technician for the Imperial College [of] London" to gain access to the, The Tenth Doctor used the name while impersonating a health and safety officer during an investigation of, While at Eddison Manor after the murder of, The Tenth Doctor attempted to use the alias aboard the, The Tenth Doctor introduced himself as John Smith to, He used the alias "Dr. John Smith" when he claimed to be replacing Dr. Bell from the, The Tenth Doctor used the alias while pretending to be a manager of the, Doctor Vile: The Doctor briefly masqueraded as the, Dr Noble: The Doctor used this when investigating the Ood Industries claiming that he and Donna were from the, Chief Inspector Smith from Scotland Yard: Used when involved with the death of, Dr John Tyler: The Doctor used the name "Tyler" instead of "Smith" to avoid the, Mr Conditional Clause: A nickname given by a frustrated, Baby Doctor: The Twelfth Doctor referred to this incarnation as such when fearing he would be "Scary Doctor". The Second Doctor used this alias during his visit to, Dr Rip Van Winkle: A name given to him by Mrs Craig. This means only 7 name generators are available for the Doctor Who universe, although the Dalek name generator is technically not entirely canon if you consider only 4 very specific Daleks were named. Nabu, who reveals that he was an alien entity from the planet Cilia took pity on Kent and taught him the "secrets of the universe". Fate and has access to greater power. Chapter 63 . Hector Hall first appeared in All-Star Squadron #25 (September, 1983) as the son of Golden Age heroes Hawkman and Hawkgirl, both characters whose stories include reincarnation as a central part of their fictional history. (, Me with the eyebrows: The Tenth Doctor calls him this to address him directly. Submit your nickname or copy the best name style from the list. When Kent Nelson's father died in the tomb of the Egyptian wizard Nabu, who took pity on Kent and raised him as his apprentice to become the Sorcerer Supreme and Lord of Order, Doctor Fate. The series ran for 67 issues and three annuals, concluding in 1987. In 1985, DC collected the Doctor Fate back-up stories from The Flash, a retelling of Doctor Fate's origin by Paul Levitz, Joe Staton, and Michael Nasser originally published in Secret Origins of Super-Heroes (January 1978) (DC Special Series #10 in the indicia), the Pasko/Simonson Doctor Fate story from 1st Issue Special #9, and a Doctor Fate tale from More Fun Comics #56 (June 1940), in a three-issue limited series titled The Immortal Doctor Fate. craigslist orlando cars for sale by owner. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. She is also an ally of Hector Hall. Brainstorm Your Ideas. Or your chat group so everyone can use the app as simple as possible. The Twelfth Doctor said she was just teasing Bill Potts, but he refused to answer if it was truly his name. The first and original incarnation of Doctor Fate, Kent Nelson was created by Gardener Fox and Howard Sherman during the Golden Age of Comics Books. (TV: The Fires of Pompeii), By one account, in his youth, the Doctor had outright removed his name from time, all but he and the Master forgetting his birth name. [46][47] When operating as separate Doctor Fates, Inza wears the helmet and Kent's original costume while Kent wears the half helmet and costume he used in the late 1940s. Eventually, Nelson too was killed and in the aftermath, the two would live out their afterlfie within the Amulet of Anubis for a time, the pair creating the life they missed out in their lifetime in the dimension, including a child. A corrupted version of Arion would come into conflict with Nabu after he is turned insane due to exposure to the Tear of Extinction and exposure to Khaji-Da. Overtime, he bonds with the two and begins accepting, Shat-Ru's patronage allowed a user to forge a connection to the Lords of Order in a similar method to witchcraft through the use of. The amulet itself is automatically granted to those who bear the Helmet of Fate, bestowed to them alongside the magical cloak. Soon after defeating Wotan, Fate decided to use his powers to travel to the underworld to learn his fate. The Fourth Doctor repeatedly corrected him when they met again centuries later, wanting to be called Doctor instead. This time Eric's mind did not mature. .`>> doctor fate <<`.. Start by brainstorm what words could fit into a nickname. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Armageddon Factor) It identified him uniquely amongst the Time Lords and was not to be spoken outside of the Academy. All DC fans might know who Doctor Fate is. [68], In 2013 several years after DC Comics rebooted the DC Universe through the New 52, a new incarnation of Doctor Fate would be created for the Earth 2 series; the incarnation of the character known as Khalid Ben-Hassin' is of Egyptian descent raised in the United States. The series focused on magically aged up Eric and Linda acting as Doctor Fate under the guidance of Nabu, whom has inhabited and taken the identity of Kent Nelson. She tends to inhabit the family cat, Puck, to communicate with Khalid and helps protects his personal life when his duties as Doctor Fate interferes with it. (, Sandshoes: A mocking nickname given to him by the Eleventh Doctor in reference to his choice of, Dick van Dyke: Another mocking nickname given by the Eleventh Doctor, after the Tenth commented on the War Doctor's gravelly voice. While they don't identify themselves on screen, their names (at least in the comics) are . Unlike prior depictions, the character is instead no longer rooted in Egyptian/Mesopotamian mythology and is disassociated with the Lords of Chaos and Order due to being killed off during Infinite Crisis. In the end, we found Dr. [45], Eventually, Inza and Nelson would be killed in the wake of the cosmic event known as kali yuga, the Lords of Chaos empowered and weakening Nabu, rapidly aging both of them and the strain being too much for Inza to bear. (Y/n) (L/n) is an apparition in disguise. (COMIC: The Road To), When the First Doctor was using the name "Doctor Caligari" and someone remarked, "Doctor who?" In 1920, a young Kent Nelson accompanied his archaeologist father Sven on an expedition to the Valley of Ur in Mesapotamia. (PROSE: Ghost of Christmas Past), The Sixth Doctor told his dance instructor, Becky, his name. A former doctor in Egypt, he immigrated to America from Egypt after marrying Elizabeth and worked as a cab driver, unable to be re-certification in the United States. These phrases were later used in the TV series as the promise the Doctor made when choosing his name. Chapter 113 February 27, 2023 . Black Adam was released on October 20, 2022. : The Doctor signed a document with a question mark during a visit to, John Rutherford: Using this pseudonym, the Doctor was elected as an independent member of, Merlin: The Doctor was recognised the people of, Norman Brown: Used, with a West Country accent, to hide his identity from, Jean Forgeron de Gallifrey: Used with the title of "Royal Observer from the court of Alexander". These traditional nicknames are exactly the kind you are invited to please add to the following list. . (PROSE: The Rag & Bone Man's Story) The inspiration for the alias was John Smith of John Smith and the Common Men, with which he was familiar through Susan. The inside of the tower appears as a twisted maze of stairways and hallways in which the laws of physics do not apply. Nelson, deciding fighting threats with his magic wasn't doing enough good, became a real medical doctor to save more lives. You may use our doctor name generator to find as many doctor names as you wish. The catch is that Doctor Fate was never more than a background character for DC before Doctor Strange was created. [49]After the New 52 reboot, Inza would make a minor appearance in a flashback, establishing her as Nelson's wife like the previous continuities. [64], The grandnephew of Kent Nelson through his mother's side[64] and beginning as medical student,[3] Khalid Nassour is an Egyptian-American who was bestowed the Helmet of Fate and named the next Doctor Fate by the Egyptian goddess, Bastet. With Chelsea Arielle Kibbee, Michael Kuhn, Tim Maloney, Dustin Poppeck. Now he is an impossibly old man, haunted both by memories of a past spent with the now-defunct . " in 29 reviews Tony. [35] The series also would re-introduce a rebooted version of the Kent Nelson character, depicting him as a previous Doctor Fate with some of his old histories intact and as a mentor figure. In addition to appearing in JSA, DC published a self-titled, five-issue limited series in 2003. Soon after Kent and Inza became engaged and became closer than ever. Rules: (1) Simply type the nickname on . [39] Nassour would also play a role in the Justice League/Justice League Dark crossover involving the return of the character, Xanadoth. (, Brigadier Bambera: Used when visiting the, The Traveller: Used to prevent a paradox when talking to the, Doctor Table: Used while trying to get a Neanderthal out of a hospital, claiming to be an expert in a rare disease that the man was suffering from. High School Devil. Fate. Hawkeye / Green Arrow. Unlike prior depictions of the Doctor Fate character as a sorcerer, the character was instead cast as a demon hunter. He's a powerful enough mystic that he actually became Marvel's sorcerer supreme for a time. (AUDIO: Time in Office) Even those who had known them in childhood addressed them only as "the Doctor", such as the Master, (TV: Death in Heaven) and the Rani. The woman would eventually learn how to transfer her soul into other bodies and took the name "Wotan", adopting the Germanic and Norse mythology despite having no association of it. These abilities includes a half-helmet state, a "battle variant" (the classical costume of Doctor Fate),[59] and can access a "library" of spells through the helmet despite lacking Nabu. However, many years later, Kent decided to return to action after a premonition . (, Doctor Funkenstein: When introducing himself to, Basil: The Doctor jokingly said this was his real name when questioning, Patient 89: The Doctor's number while waiting at, Special Agent Dan Dangerous from Scotland Yard: The Doctor made up this name when he first introduced himself to, Circe: Used by the Doctor while trying to infiltrate Missy's women-only social media chatroom. [38] Khalid would also appear in several title crossovers such as Superman, Teen Titans Academy, and The Flash. As Doctor Fate, Inza's methods are more proactive although she becomes more reckless in their use, stemming a temporary separation from Kent. Doctor Fate actually became quite the hit for DC. Whether you're looking to give cool nicknames or funny nicknames, there are a few things that should be considered, mainly: Personality: The nickname should suit the personality of the person it is being given to, unless the point of the nickname is to be funny and the complete opposite of the person's true personality, for example: Naming a quiet person "Screamer." funny organization names The movie was directed by Jaume Collet-Serra and is distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. 35 grams of butter to tablespoons; alexa and katie house. Nickname(s): "The Imaginative Hobbyist", "Hobbyist Max", "Max Z." "Max Z. S." Max Zimmerman Slocum (born June 28, 1991) is a freelance filmmaker, photographer, editor and graphic designer pursuing . No common suggestions yet, scroll down for more ideas. Unlike incarnations preceding him, Hector mostly retains his agency even with Nabu inhabiting the helmet and doesn't require the use of ankhs when using his magical abilities. October 27, 2022 by Nidhi. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation) or possibly, "Nice guy, if you're a biped". [59][60], Kent V. Nelson possess the typical powers of Doctor Fate, allowing him to cast spells and perform various magical abilities through the Helmet of Fate. A future version of the character debuted in Supergirl #33 (2019), first created by writer Marc Andreyako and artist Kevin Maguire. When merge, she refers to herself as "Mary T'Giian". [16] Doctor Fate also made a guest appearance in a 3-issue 1985 crossover in the pages of Infinity, Inc. #19-20 and Justice League #244. Stevens was introduced in a self-titled series called Fate, launched in the wake of Zero Hour in 1994. Below are some tips to choose a good nickname. [20] Linda is killed soon afterward by the Lords of Chaos and the two reincarnated into new bodies, living out their new lives with one another. (TV: The Day of the Doctor), The Eleventh Doctor began calling himself the "Oncoming Storm" when he misinterpreted Sean's request to help the King's Arms football team "annihilate" another team at a match. (, Time Boy: Used by Mels, the second incarnation of, Bow Tie: The War Doctor's nickname for the Eleventh Doctor, due to his dress sense. Nassour would eventually permanently become the new Doctor Fate instead of Kent Nelson in the "Lords of Order" storyline. (AUDIO: The Last Voyage), While separated from the Eleventh Doctor, Clara Oswald read his name in The History of the Time War. Doctor Fate battled the Spectre, unable to break Kulak's spell. His comic counterpart could've BFR'd both Adam and Sabbac instantly. Kent would begin a superhero career specializing in magic and was a founding member of the All-Star Squadron and Justice Society of America as well as bonded with his partner and eventual wife, Inza Cramer. Fate: Directed by Jaron Whitfill. (TV: The Name of the Doctor), Missy claimed to know the Doctor's real name from their time together on Gallifrey. However, this leaves a host vulnerable to Nabu, who can also usurp control of his bearer's will and body by force. Scars/Birthmarks/Tattoos: None. Kent V. Nelson's young daughter. In the times of the Young Justice, he was kidnapped and Red sent them to rescue him and in the fight Kid Flash puts on the helmet and saves the day but Kent passes away and his conscious lives in the helmet for a few months. (TV: The Girl in the Fireplace) The oldest question in the universe was "Doctor Who?" If you truly believe laughter is the best medicine, you'll want to book an appointment with any of these doctors immediately. Also, they are . A powerful sorcerer an arch-enemy of Doctor Fate, notably Kent Nelson's incarnation. 10 LOSE TO: Doctor Voodoo. FATE", "DC Universe Infinite Encyclopedia: Doctor Fate", "Robinson Unleashes Fury, Doctor Fate on "Earth 2", "DC Comics Solicitations for March, 2013", "James Tynion IV Reveals New Justice League Dark Characters And Villain", "Justice League Dark Series Cancelled, Repurposed As Back-Up Strip", "Give This Hero a Comic Book: Khalid Nassour (Doctor Fate)", "Exclusive: Two of Smallville's Justice Society", "Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on 'Grey's,' 'Chuck,' 'Glee,' '90210,' 'Pretty Little Liars,', "First Look: Supergirl, Wonder Girl and Batgirl From DC Nation Shorts", "Characters Confirmed for Upcoming "Justice League Action" Animated Series", "Black Adam Movie Will Introduce The Justice Society To The DCEU", "Injustice 2's Next Character Is A Deep Cut From DC's Golden Age", Grand Comics Database: Doctor Fate entries, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Doctor_Fate&oldid=1142738623, The guiding force and primary patron of most incarnations of Doctor Fate, Nabu is a. Nabu's patronage allows for the bearer to have potential access to all of his knowledge, magical energy and power, and can assist his bearers with his insight and thoughts. [25] Considered an unpopular re-imagining of the character,[1] the series was cancelled after 23 issues in September 1996. (COMIC: TV Terrors), The Doctor's old Academy schoolmate Drax knew the Doctor as "Theta Sigma", which he informally shortened to "Thete". The name "Doctor Who" was used by or applied to the Doctor on a large number of occasions, with accounts varying on whether this seemed to be the time-traveller's actual name or at any rate a name they accepted and used for themselves or simply a placeholder applied to them by others for lack of knowledge of his real names. By many accounts, the Doctor considered this title to be their real name. Extant also scatters the helmet, amulet, and cloak. He is one of the seven heroes of the Prophecy of Seven. [58], The latest incarnation of Doctor Fate prior to the New 52 reboot, the character debuted in the first issue of Countdown to Mystery in 2007 as an attempt to revitalize the character; unlike other Doctor Fates, the character lacks any connections to Nabu and either of the Lords of Order or Lords of Chaos, as the two factions were killed off in a previous storyline. The only person who was able to help. After the team disbanded, Kent went into exile in the Tower of Fate to try to find inner peace. [56] When the Spectre goes on a quest to extinguish magic, he banishes Hector and his wife to a snowy mountain landscape for all eternity, which they are only able to 'escape' by entering the Dream realm, although this essentially kills their bodies and means they can never return to Earth. Several years after the New 52 reboot, DC Comics introduced its latest and second-longest-running incarnation, Khalid Nassour, the grandnephew of Kent Nelson chosen by ancient Egyptian deities and archangels. The One:12 Collective Dr. Crawfish Sausage. She would eventually become the fourth character to bear the Doctor Fate name and the second female character to become Doctor Fate. The Doctor was shocked at this, as "there [was] only one reason [he] would ever tell anyone [his] name, [and] only one time [he] could." Is destiny a unisex name? (, Granddad: Nickname given by the Tenth Doctor to reference his age. Sometime after his birth his mother died of unknown causes. : The Doctor signed a document with a question mark prior to the, Long-Scarf Big-Eyes: A nickname given to the Fourth Doctor by, The Bohemian / The Wanderer: Titles given to the Fourth Doctor by, The Fifth Doctor used the name when he worked as a historical advisor on the short film, Gaius Claudius Maximus: The Doctor used this name while visiting, Doctor Walters: The Doctor used this name while stuck in Victorian, Dr Jonas Smythe: The Doctor used this name when working with, The Supremo: The Doctor called himself "the Supremo" while leading, Cricket Boy: A nickname given to the Fifth Doctor by, The Doctor sent an email signed "Smith, Dr. John" to, When infiltrating the Third Reich to investigate the origins of the Fourth Reich in, The Doctor used the name while working in Hut 12A at, He also used the name while posing as a British, Professor Erasmus Potgeiter of Pretoria Scientific Institute (, Nico Blair: Briefly used when trying to convince, The Sandman: Adopted as part of a plan to stop an alien race attacking others by inspiring the idea of him as a monster. Unlike other versions of Fate prior to 2013, his spell-craft abilities are also centered on invoking Egyptian deities. She is later revived by an artifact containing her essence when it was collected by, A fictional depiction based upon Xipe Totec, the Aztez god of ritual flaying and agriculture, lord of seasons, regeneration and crafts. Clint Barton (Hawkeye) and Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) are superheroes without superpowers who rely on prodigious archery skills and trick arrows in battle. A group of mystical beings and godly entities representing the concept of order in the DC Universe; the group typically acts in tandem with various incarnations of Doctor Fate, often acting as an agent for them or a balacing force between them and their cosmic opposites, the Lords of Chaos. et al. The amulet's history was revised several times; in one story, the Amulet of Anubis was a powerful artifact forged by the Lords of Order at the dawn of time, being so powerful the Lords of Chaos formerly sought the artifact themselves. Despite this, when the Doctor was facing death, Clara told the Time Lords through the Crack that the only name of his that mattered was "the Doctor" and everything he stood for under that name, prompting them to give the Doctor a new regeneration cycle at the cost of closing the crack. Doctor Fate and the rest of The Justice Society returned to All-Star Comics in 1976 with #58 for a two-year run ending with issue #74 and Adventure Comics #461-462 in 1978, and Adventure Comics #466 related the untold tale of the Justice Society's 1951 disbanding.