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Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. Sarah Sallon, director of the Louis L. Borick Natural Medicine Research Center in Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, led a team that included Elaine Solowey, and Nathalie Chabrillange. Mudlarker Finds Bronze Age Shoe on a UK Riverbank Dated 2,800 Years Old! In the Shephelah region or the Judean foothills of south-central Israel, archaeologists have unearthed the remains of a Seleucid Hellenistic fortress that was burned by Hasmonean (Judean) conquerors Israeli archaeologists have revealed the secrets behind the Assyrian siege ramp that conquered the ancient Judean town of Lachish. ***Please sign up forCBN Newslettersand download theCBN News appto ensure you keep receiving the latest news from a distinctly Christian perspective.***. It played a significant role in the Judean economy for about two millenniaat the least from the fifth century B.C.E. [13] She challenged her friend, Dr. Elaine Solowey from the Center for Sustainable Agriculture at the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, with the task[14] and in 2005 Dr. Solowey managed to sprout several seeds, after slowly hydrating them in a common baby bottle warmer, then pretreating them in an ordinary solution of fertilizer and growth hormone. ( Arava Institute for Environmental Studies ). {amount} donation plus {fee_amount} to help cover fees. [10] The plant was nicknamed "Methuselah" after the longest-lived person listed in the Bible. The characteristics of the Judean date palm may shed light on aspects of ancient cultivation that contributed to the quality of its fruit and is thus of potential relevance to the agronomic improvement of modern dates, the authors write. It is chronicled in the Bible, Quran, and ancient literature for its diverse powers. Available at:, Kalman, M. (2005) Seed of extinct date palm sprouts after 2,000 years. SFGATE. The findings suggest that it might be a good option for examining the lifetime of plant seeds. You can use the pits from any fresh dates bought from the grocery store to grow a flourishing date palm. The Date Trees Grown From 2,000-Year-Old Seeds - The Atlantic It would be interesting if they were used back then for the same reasons, she tells NoCamels during a phone call from her Jerusalem home. So, for the kibbutz, it's a big venture, Sallon said. Methuselah the Judean Date Palm is still going strong even after sprouting from a 2,000-year-old seed. The seeds were germinated by warming and hydrating them slowly and gradually. A little, young-looking palm tree named Judith was planted on Kibbutz Ketura recently. Tree Grown From 2,000-Year-Old Seed Has Reproduced The Judean date palm is a date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) grown in Judea. Available at:, Hassan, N. (2020) Israeli Researchers Mate 2,000-year-old Date Seeds, Hope for Fruit. Haaretz. By the age of 10, most children in the United States have been taught all 50 states that make up the country. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing. Ezekiel 47:12. But Dr. Sarah Sallon of the Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem began to look for more Judean date palm seeds and 30 of the ancient seeds were recovered from Qumran, the same location where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in the desert. Dr. Sarah Sallon came up with the initiative to germinate some ancient seeds[12] and persuaded the archaeological storage at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to share some. Dr. The Israeli scientists and horticulturists are now trying to find a way to use the tissue culture and make hundreds of thousands of exact replicas of Hannah, the date-palm tree germinatedfrom a seed dating back two millennia. To donate to Dr. Soloweys ancient dates research project, click here. Ancient sources have suggested that the Judean date palm tree had many unique medicinal properties no longer found in todays palm varieties. Date palm cultivation is thought to be up to . [19] As of February 2020, Methuselah had reached 3.5 metres (11ft). But 800 years ago, crusaders destroyed the last Judean palm and rendered the plant extinct. [18] By May 2015, the palm was 3.0 metres (9.8ft) tall and was producing pollen. [citation needed] The tree so defined the local economy that the Roman emperor Vespasian celebrated the reconquest after the First Jewish Revolt (6670 AD) by minting Judaea Capta coinage, a series of coins sometimes depicting Judaea as a mourning woman beneath a date palm. Dates were famous in antiquity for medicinal value, said Solowey. 'The Resurrection of 2000-Year-Old Ancient Date Seeds': New Fruit As a result, the tithing ceremony was held on Friday. CBN Partners provide hope to those who are suffering! Judith and Hannah were female, but only Hannah flowered. New Fruit from Old Seeds - Biblical Archaeology Society They became symbols of "beauty, precious shade and succulent plenty," Kershner wrote. Sallon explained that the taste is very close but not exactly the same as what the residents of the country would have eaten 2,000 years ago since in ancient times dates were grown from shoots from the best producing trees rather than by pollinating date palm flowers. Already in the fifth century BC, Herodotus noted that the greatest importance of the Judean dates was that they were drier and less perishable than those from Egypt and thus suitable for storage and export, which is still an important distinction today. And here we are actually planting history at the Arava Institute. Dr. Solowey - and that at least one is a female! What Do 2,000-Year-Old Ancient Judean Dates Taste Like? - NoCamels In experiments praised by the Dalai Lama, for example, Dr. Sarah Sallon has shown that ancient Tibetan cures for cardiovascular disease really do work. According to the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, Radiocarbon dating at the University of Zurich confirmed the seeds dated from between 155 BC to 64 AD. [4], Its likeness was engraved on shekalim, the ancient Hebrew unit of currency. Scientists in Israel grow date plants from 2,000-year-old seeds. Specimen Pindo Palm Tree can be seen on the University of Georgia campus in Athens, GA. Of these, six of the seeds successfully sprouted. (2020) Origins and insights into the historic Judean date palm based on genetic analysis of germinated ancient seeds and morphometric studies. Science Advances Vol 6. The first of the ancient date seedlings, Methusaleh, is named for the oldest person mentioned in the Bible. The species of palm was thought to be extinct for 800 years but hundreds of seeds of. Archaeobotanical records suggest that the earliest exploitation and consumption of dates is from the Arabian Neolithic some 7000 years before the present., The plump, golden-brown dates hanging in a bunch just above the sandy soil were finally ready to pick., The answer, Im happy to say, is sweeter than you think. Buried beneath the rubble, Yadin unearthed a small stockpile of seeds stowed in a clay jar dating back 2,000 years. Female plants need male pollen to produce fruit, and all six of the new date palm trees are female, Sallon explains. But as time progressed, the leaves began to look healthier. We are going to be testing those dates in the future to see actually what they do and whether they differ from other commercial varieties of modern dates. According to Jewish tradition, the Children of Israel came out of Egypt with date palm saplings that were eventually planted in the land of Israel. It is sometimes claimed that date growing as a commercial fruit export stopped at the end of 70 AD, when the Second Temple was destroyed by the Romans. Its a childrens story about the science and what it represents., Viva Sarah Press is a journalist and speaker. The species of palm was thought to be extinct for 800 . Please check your information and try again or call us at 1-800-759-0700. The remaining 33 were carefully soaked in water and fertilizer to encourage germination. Masada was the last stand of a small band of Jewish rebels who held out against three Roman legions for several years before committing mass suicide in 73 AD. The remaining 33 were carefully soaked in water and fertilizer to encourage germination. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there existcountless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts thathave yet to be discovered and explained. However, despite this, extensive cultivation persisted in Jericho and Zoara, until the agrarian economy collapsed during Mamluk rule around the 14th century, which he attributes to a change in the climate. A little, young-looking palm tree named Judith was planted on Kibbutz Ketura recently. DF_JST1058_2000_Year_Old_Date_Palms_HD1080_0_273, Date palms from 2000-Year-Old Date Seeds.