In the cinema cut, Connie (Ellora Torchia) and Simon (Archie Madekwe) freak out and want to flee after they see two of the Harga community leap of a cliff to their bloody deaths. Wed love to hear your thoughts too, let us know what you made of all this in the comments section. They just seemed to buy their explanations and eat or drink everything offered, pubes and all. They drink the tea again. TheHrgans watching outside the temple scream and thrash along with them. Christian is chosen to "mate" with one ofHrga's young women, while Dani takes part in a ritual dance and is crowned May Queen. Midsommar is not the kind of film where theres a puzzle or a mystery to be solved. But lets break it down a little further though. In the final act, before Midsommar's memorable movie ending, Dani is crowned the "May Queen" after winning a maypole dancing content, and the film ends with a fiery ritualistic sacrifice. By the end of the movie, four of the new blood sacrifices have already been made: British visitors Connie and Simon, and Christian's friends Josh and Mark. Shazam! Ari Aster's Midsommar depicts a terrifying Swedish commune. Midsommar, the new movie from Hereditary director Ari Aster, is not what youd call a straightforward, lighthearted summer film. This came true with the sacrifice of Simon, Connie, Mark, and Josh. 'Midsommar' explained: The filmmakers unpack the sex, rituals and Midsommar's endingis about letting go of a bad relationship and opening yourself up to a better one - in a very twisted way, of course. Meanwhile, Dani takes part in a ritualistic dance, based on a story about how the devil disguised himself as a fiddler, came toHrga, and forced people to dance until they died. History for Characters/Midsommar - TV Tropes Midsommar Directors Cut Reveals From Ari Aster - Refinery29 Now that you can impress your friends by explaining the true meaning of Midsommar, lets tackle another potentially confusing film: Jordan Peeles Us. Go To. With the yellow pyramid building aflame, the whole community gathers outside, howling as they did at the ttestupa. Midsommar walks a very fine tight rope because it puts the audience in Dani's shoes as she becomes a pawn in a game she doesn't even know is being played. We learn there must be nine people sacrificed. Google Pay. Midsommar is one of the best horror films of all time and for good reason. Jump to content US Edition Change However, were it not for the loss of her family, Christian likely would have broken up with her and she wouldnt have put him in a bear and burned him. In a perverse way, Dani has indeed been reborn. Midsommar Ending Explained: The Rituals And Sacrifices While some try to leave and try to investigate, they all meet their end with a lie and are supposedly killed. Midsommar is less a horror movie than an examination of grief, endings, and sympathy, so it's unsurprising its seemingly bizarre ending is rooted in sympathetic magic. This series of rituals isrevealed shortly after the outsiders arrive inHrga, when Connie and Simon examine a tapestry that shows a woman falling in love with a man, placing flowers under his pillow, and then hiding her pubic hair in his food - resulting in the man falling in love with and impregnating her. The commune members collectively share feelings of joy and grief, allowing for Dani to . Essentially an ancient alphabet used throughout Northern Europe before the adoption of the more modern Latin alphabet, runes are characters that have an associated sound as well as a meaning attributed to them. Maja is a redheaded Hrga girl who has a crush on Christian Hughes, the boyfriend of protagonist Dani Ardor. Singer/songwriter Ariana Grande loves Midsommar. She attempts to seduce Christian by spiking his drink with menstrual blood and putting her pubes in his food. Then theres the first section, which begins two weeks before the group Christian, Mark, Dani, Josh, and Pelle head to Sweden, and ends when they walk through the big wooden sunburst and into the idyllic village of the Harga. Were here to help. Check out some of the best offers available to you. We soon learn that Dani's sister was successful in committing suicide via car exhaust, and the fumes also killed Dani's parents in the same house. By submitting your email, you agree to our, Hailey Bieber, Selena Gomez, and the Easter egg-ification of the Hollywood feud, The Supreme Court signals that a terrifying attack on voting rights will vanish for now, Brad Pitt was the only winner of the Aniston-Jolie tabloid battle. Due to Christian's drugged-up state, the lungs appear to be breathing. TwoHrgans have also already been sacrificed, dismembered, and turned into strange art pieces that are displayed during the final ceremony. Especially Dani, whose sister committed suicide. She's hysterical because her suicidal sister isn't returning any of her messages. From a drug tea to killing two people when turned 72 years old, the place just levels up its problematic rituals step by step. Instead weve come up with a bunch of things that made us scratch our heads and a range of points that, frankly, we just really want to talk about. The mushrooms the group takes upon entering the field before the village nearly unhinge her, but she runs into the woods to hide their effect and is only found by the group after she falls asleep. Furthermore, another thing to note is that this only happens every 90 years. Thats a classic opening to a fairy tale (think of Cinderella or Snow White, for instance). Dani's sister poisoned herself and her. The May Queens choice is Christian (urgh, put him in a bear and burn him) and then there are two volunteers from Hrga. Ari Aster's new horror film Midsommar has an ending that's about as horrifying as you'd expect from the writer-director who made last year's Hereditary. A visual medium requires visual methods. Midsommar is a brutish, nasty daylight nightmare from the director of Hereditary, Ari Aster on his new film Midsommar: I keep telling people I want it to be confusing. Well initially shes coerced by Christian but later it seems as if shes gently seeing some positives in the community after all, its not all bad. The second section begins when the Americans arrive in the village and lasts until shortly after the events at the ttestupa, the high cliff where the elders throw themselves to their deaths. He illustrated a number of fairy tales, including Oskuldens Vandring (translated something like The Walk of Innocence), a fairy tale by Helena Nyblom about a sensual but innocent young girl walking through a forest. Midsommar ending explained. But I think the best way to think about whats happening in this last section is through some of the clues dropped throughout the film about Danis journey throughout Midsommar. This festival is to keep the community clean. Remember his horrible friend Mark saying that Dani was literally abusive for asking her boyfriend of more than three years to support her emotionally during family crises?). But if you pay attention, you may notice background details that really let you into Danis state of mind and the grief shes still experiencing. Ingmars all super apologetic that Connie and Simon choose to leave, but why, if theyre just going to be killed anyway? During the feast following, Dani is led away to bless the crops, while Christian is led away to, uh, mate with Maja, surrounded by a dozen naked women in a semicircle who sing and match Majas breathing. Midsommar Ending Explained: What Happened (& What It - ScreenRant Seriously: If you dont want to be spoiled, abandon ship now. [EMBED_VIMEO][/EMBED_VIMEO]. For Dani, though, the purging is complete. Its something a lot of people can relate to even if theyve never stuffed their ex into a bear carcass. A24. Yes, she witnessed him sleeping with another girl, but by that point that's surely the least of the horrors she's witnessed that week, and to be fair, that wasn't entirely his fault. Midsommar was produced very quickly. Peles sister won last year, and he hopes Dani wins this year. At least they're actually there. Midsommar starts off with the tragic deaths of the protagonist, Dani's (Florence Pugh), mother, father, and sister. Traditionally, a dance around the maypole could have ended in the year's new May Queen. What began looking like a beautiful ritual with all-white color and unique structures and dances turned into one of the most disturbing to look upon. This could, incidentally, be read as a nod to Swedens history; when they first land in Sweden, Mark remarks crassly on how beautiful Swedish women are, and Josh tells him its because the Vikings dragged the most beautiful women from other lands back with them.). And since the date remains the lightest and brightest night of the year, it lends itself to magical thinking: One could discover treasures by tracing moonbeams, learn of a future love by eating salted porridge to see who brings you water in your dreams, or find that water was turned to wine, ferns into flowers, and other plants gained healing properties. In this section, Dani has been slowly becoming aware that shes trying too hard to make excuses for Christian, who seems disconnected from her, forgetting her birthday and generally being inattentive to her emotional state. Midsommar: what the hell just happened? Discuss with spoilers Chrisitan, in a rush, returns home to comfort his love Dani but when she finds out about his trip. Though many try to escape at different points for the rest of the film, all but one are murdered and used in human sacrifice rituals. During dinner, Dani tells Christian that fellow outsider Simon left his girlfriend, Connie, behind in the village (or thats what they think of course, the reality is something quite different), and then bitterly says that she thinks Christian would do that, too. As with Midsommar, the maypole is a centerpiece and flower crowns are part of the May Day celebrations. In the final ceremony of the Midsommar festival, nine human sacrifices are made in the yellow pyramid-shaped temple that Dani was told not to enter. 4. Put him in the bear. Many of the rituals performed in Midsommar, like the dancing around the maypole and the crowning of the May Queen, were drawn from a mix of Swedish, German, and Christian traditions. Theyve all been killed and are placed within a ceremonial hut. Our Midsommar synopsis opens with a scene of Dani trying to call her emotionally-distant boyfriend Christian. The Harga seem to see this, and decide to use Christian, who is an ideal astrological match for Maja, for his genetic material, and then, as long as Dani picks him for the ceremony, for purging the worst affekts of the whole community. Stockholm-based Ragnar Persson takes us behind the film's eerie artwork, and their bloody, gory, ritualistic influences. It is a community that sees life and nature as cyclical. When her family died, Christian and his friends failed . Nearing the end of Midsommar, more than two hours in to its run time, Dani (Florence Pugh) is indoctrinated into the cult and sacrifices her thuggish and moronic . Her relationship with her boyfriend Christian (Jack Reynor) isn't great, but he invites her. Oops. Last one May Queen decides of if its outsider or from the community. After all that, you might want to participate in a late-night but still sunlit dance by the lake or, if you'd like to be that romantic sort but don't have a significant other, go pick seven different flowers and lay them under your pillow; your future betrothed is supposed to appear in a dream. So when the day of the Maypole dance begins, Christian and Dani are the only outsiders remaining with the Harga. As visually stunning as Midsommar is, the film is saturated with horrible deaths that pack a punch in both shock factor and sheer gore. We see theHrgans practising this ritual sharing of emotion at several points in the movie: when the elderly man jumps from the cliff and shatters his legs, the community screams along with him; when Christian and Maja are having sex, the women around them echo their cries; and finally, when Ingemar and Ulf scream as they burn, everyone screams along with them. To be clear, the disturbing element lives on for Midsommar and creepy too but in quite a weird form. In Midsommar's ending we see the final part of the festival's twisted traditions, as nine human sacrifices are offered up to the gods in exchange for nine new lives, in the form of babies conceived during the Midsommar celebrations.