by Lookout Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:02 am, Post You know, women are hardwired to be caregivers; men, to sow their oats. The ear is still very tender during that time, and the curved shape of the hook will irritate the healing hole. He should show you as much consideration as youve shown him. June 24, 2009. It would be like 'I don't think I said anything' or 'I didn't say it like THAT' Beauty queens (and yes, she did win a major pageant) have a habit of secretly loving a little extra drama. Aloha Debi!Thank you, sweet lady!Nowdo have any pierced earrings from Chanel I could borrow?I only wear designer shit.I'm such a snotty bitch!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!Thanks for dropping by Deb!Enjoy your weekend!X, ron, what a gorgeous man you are! by Bombi Sun May 21, 2006 10:39 pm, Post Click one of the buttons below. Just reach behind the ear, pull the lever back, and slide the wire out. Recently I had been thinking about wearing them again, mentioned it to my wife and told her that I was going to start wearing my earring again and I was going to get the right ear pierced. !Nowyou wouldn't have any dangling earrings I could borrow, would you?HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!I'm such a silly man!OHand about my sister? day I promise to share a post about how I tried on her fishnet stockings and TORN a hole in them by accident.ummmwell maybe it WASN'T an accident! I always found this surprising because my wife wears multiple earrings. I wore my earring regularly for about 20 years. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). !Hope you had a nice rest.And you're so welcome about the award. I prefer him to have no piercings as I just dont see them fitting in with his personality. The obvious main advantage of clip earrings is that you dont have pierced ears. get me wrong, this part of our marriage has been good, but I feel it could be Then proceeded to do her sibling's other ear. I thought this would then give me the opening to broach the !Thanks for stopping by today Miss Jones! It was a set of jewelry, consisting What they do wear is simple, usually studs or small hoops. Ghost. Black Hoop Earring with Cross for Men Mens Jewelry - Mens Dangle earring - Feather Earring for men Cool earrings collections for men Mens Jewelry 2020 Female Empowerment and the Rise of The Gentlemen Escort. Sometimes the little attachment starts to get loose. In hindsight and had I thought about it, having it done by a teenage would be uncomfortable. She said something, their mother took it the wrong way, added her own opinions into the mix, and Ron got told about it a couple days later. When I finally became brave enough to have my ears pierced, it opened many new possibilities for earring styles. by Guest Wed May 24, 2006 11:03 pm, Post I guess at 62, I am doing it for me, I look on the younger side, more like 50. pharmaceutical company, I decided we needed our sex life to be enhanced. She liked the look. He said it reminded him to be creative. Ive had pierced ears for a couple of years now, and Ive already lost two or three earrings. by Clyde5412 Tue Sep 06, 2022 3:58 pm, Post The earrings I wear are 2 inch silver hoops for everyday use, and large 2.5 inch for evenings out, and social events. This morning I went into the mall, and to Clairs and in about 10 minutes I had my right ears pierced. by LeatherWendy Sun Jun 07, 2020 4:37 pm, Post I am now thinking I should perhaps buy him more female clothing to wear for bedtime. What does it mean if your ex continues to wear something you gave them If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Over the years, I have had a variety of reactions from people. He lives and works in the financial district in NYC - most men in that part of town do not wear jewelry. Please feel free to browse my categories. by Kd7b Mon May 16, 2022 4:05 pm, Post when i was in high school in the late 90''s every guy seemed to have them and back then i dated plenty of guys with them. There are several advantages to having a cross-dresser as a husband: A crossdresser integrates with his lifestyle two different best of gender personality, meaning he can effortlessly associate with any gender. Women Admit What They Did With The Jewelry Their Exes Gave Them. I had been wanting my ears pierced for a long time and when my wife and I were married almost 9 years ago she told me that I could get my left ear pierced so I did. The earlobe becomes irritated by the pressure of the clip. Unfortuately I have let them grow up because of work but the other day my wife came to me and asked if I would get my ears pierced again. That was what I meant by wrong circles, but I didnt want to sound rude. I have the same problem as my wife does not like guys with earrings. A feminised husband, earrings and humiliation - LADY ALEXA I am not doing all that walking in those heels! Thanks for the comments. I think I should stop but I don't know how (it's so nice on me). I love, love, love long crossdresser earrings! Thank you for your support of The Crossdresser Report! With practice, it becomes a lot easier. I once got a fake Ferragamo headband. Just had my ears double pierced too! First, stop wearing the offending articles; second, move them to the far end of your closet or, better yet, to another closet entirely; and, finally, give the jackets to your favorite charity, and . ;) I've got some old pairs of high heels you can have because they make Mimi's feet too hurty. Ok first off, I don't know if this is a hot topic or what not but I don't know where else to post this. I am 16 years old, french nad have had my both ears pierced a yaer ago. Thus we have the Cuchini, a device for the ladies designed to hide cameltoe when they're wearing bathing suits. "Cathy, I can't wear my heels outside, they are only for the apartment." "John, get real, first you love those heels, and second your figure demands high heels, trust me you will look stunting." I slipped them on, and wow, they really put my walk in a different swing. Hoops come in a variety of metals, sizes, and even shapes. JulieN Super_Ideal_Rock. To not want my husband to wear nail varnish? | Mumsnet He was tempted to get a bar across the top of his ear when he was about 20 but he never got it done in the end. i found your blog today and its a really lovely one, thank you for doing it! I used to be the same, I had always wanted my ears pierced since my teenage years and every single time I had them pierced a few hours/days later Id take them out. I have both lobes double pierced but hardly wear anything in them when Im out and about as I only wear studs or rings when Im at home with the wife, mainly due to work concerns. I suspect he's hesitating for a number of reasons, some of them societal and some of them based on his fear of ridicule from buddies at work and so on. "I dare you to put him in dresses. Take care and hope you had a GREAT WEEKEND! by Tina TV Fri Feb 09, 2018 9:05 am, Post A couple other guys actually started wearing their's afterward too. !Hey listen, if the truth be toldI can't offord the REAL stuff either!I actually worked for Chanel for 6 years, and we had a Chanel boutique in the department store that I was located in. How I feminised my husband part 2 - LADY ALEXA The lever on those is quite visible from behind, where the French lock is barely noticeable. I workedas makeup artist for the company. The best thing about hoops, in my opinion, is that except for the huge ones, nobody looking at you is going to think they are out-of-place on you. Don't Stud fasteners work exactly the same on hoop earrings as they do for the smaller stud earrings. What do women think about men wearing earrings She said go ahead. My son love to wear nail polish when he was little. by Piercedpapi Mon Jun 06, 2022 10:35 am, Post You're going to have to try harder than that to scare us off buddy!That was a riot. But back in the early '80's I had a pair or two of stone-washed 'baggies' in a very blue blue color and another in a brown with some rust stripes. Gender Role Reversal: Billy's Birthday Surprise - Blogger No I couldn''t imagine that in any way. This article has affiliate marketing links. I'm almost 30. Two hoops of about 1 inch. Why I Make My Husband Wear Panties: A Guide to the Female - Goodreads Plus some hair on his chest which showed on the low cut dress. I had a bad infection in my earlobe. by Guest Tue Aug 15, 2006 12:12 pm, Post Hoop earrings are one of the easiest and less expensive choices for trying to get that feminine look. wear no skirt at all, just stockings, shoes and blouse. The sliding spring backs are made for lightweight hoop earrings and have an adjustable spring to fit all ear shapes. I guess I got tired of taking them out when I had certain meetings. by Piercedpapi Sun Sep 04, 2022 6:53 pm, Post My husband wears his wedding ring all the time, hasn't taken it off since I put it on his finger on our wedding day 2 years ago, but I know a few women who's husbands choose not wear one, It would make me feel upset if my husband didn't wear his. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, being with people outside your bub. !My earlobe looked like a ride at Disney World!HAHHAHAHHA!Thanks SOOOO much for stopping by to read my strange secret, Linda!And you can STILL call me Ronnie, if you'd likeeveryone does.Ronnie The Earring ManHave a FAAAAAAAAABULOUS weekend!X, Sorry, "snotty bitch",but I can't afford that shit. They are a safe option for feeling girly without drawing attention to you. And there always will be those who like men's earrings, and those who do not like them. by Guest Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:16 pm, Post by Budge27 Wed Jun 03, 2020 4:46 pm, Post I also never take off the rose gold ring I bought from her last year. Good Evening Dearest Gypsy-Heart!OMG!!!! They've got used to seeing men on TV (from Pop Idol through to the aussie cricket team) with earrings and it doesn't register, provided the earrings are fairly subtle. by Brian 2 Fri Nov 04, 2005 11:00 am, Post When en-femme (thats the term, I think) he will do anything for me. They're trendy. You wont see many older women wearing earrings that are shoulder length. I must They're a TAD larger than the ones I tried from my mom, but I think their ok for 2009!HAHHAHAHHA!Thanks for stopping by to let me know you're back, Barb!I'll be making my blog rounds later this evening, so I'll be seeing ya soon!Have a fun weekend!X. Ordered a nightgown, it did not fit, told my boyfriend to try it and if Cubic Zirconia Silver Hoops Sterling Silver Decorated Hoops Gold Hoops Filigree Silver Hoops Types of Hoop Fasteners - Lever Lever Back Hoop Earring Lever Back fasteners are very commonly used for hoop earrings. wear skirts so short they dont cover her clitty, have her dresses and skirts pinned up at the front to expose her clitty or. F. FTMdueinapril. of dangly earrings, necklace, bracelet, and ankle chain. I plan to share some of my favorites in a post later this year. by Soraya Sat Feb 03, 2018 9:44 am, Post Many guys in this forum will really envy you, with a lady who positively encourages you to get both ears pierced. I have been dreading telling you because you might I got an idea from some of my Pinterest pictures of some humiliation ideas. I think I still have a few earrings in a box somewhere in my apartment.Thanks for stopping by today and sharing in my little secret, buddy!Hope you're having an awesome weekend.It's FREEZING here in Philly!YEPPPE! Update: Im now getting together with a lovely woman I first fancied 25 years ago.She likes me wearing earrings and nail varnish (which I do - currently Japanese company RMKs Taro Horouich Navy). ?I added my new photo to the bottom of my blog about a week ago, it was a photo taken when I first moved back to Philly. I mean, that's why it's called VENT!So GO GIRL!Have a FABU weekend, M!X, Howdy Nitebyrd!Thanks Sis!Since you and I are long lost siblings (and share the SAME genetic humor), I knew you'd stick around for more CRAZINESS! I have no regrets about getting my ears pierced, other than regretting I didnt do it sooner. It feels like being injected with a needle while in the doctors office. So one night he wore a pair of my jeans to work. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. LOLjust some childhood memories which I'm glad you sharedThank you :D. Greetings Shionge~Welcome!Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to leave a comment!I think I've seen you over at Daves blog before, so it's nice to meet you.YESsome childhood memories come back to HAUNT us!Tee, hee!Please stop by anytime, you're always welcome here!Enjoy your evening! These pages are designed for ADULTS ONLY and may include pictures and materials that some viewers may find offensive. My husband has always been slim (we're both the same height at 5'6). It's like you came to work one day with a different haircut: people notice, but only in a background kind of way. No i own so many wonderfull earring in all kind of styles, and i really love long dangly earrings, even an older and slightly overweight woman like me (i just turned 54 this year) can wear those. My husband has pierced his ears too. Lever Back Dangle Spike Earrings If you're interested in the lower-key path when it comes to dangly earrings for men, these spike earrings are a great way to feed into the look without going overboard. Absolutely everything about him just makes me melt. So I had my husband wearing dresses, skirts and tights. I had a single pi*r*i*g in each ear for many years, though pressures (real or imagined) meant that this was a private thing - I hardly ever wore anything in them in public except where I knew I wouldn't be recognised. by Guest 53 Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:09 am, Post There is almost nothing that compares to the feeling of an earring brushing against your neck or shoulder as you turn your head. I have had my ears pierced for over two years, and I have yet to have a negative remark. I must say after a while these style of earrings do pinch and become annoying. by Stefan 16 Fri Jun 02, 2006 7:03 pm, Post My Boyfriend Wore Lingerie for a Day Here's What - Her Campus When I wore them, I was a frequent customer on eBay. Again, thank you for taking the time to write. Searing pain in my left ear. Men's fashion might not be as versatile, and women's and their jewelry trends might not change too much over the years, but yes, men's earrings are still in style in 2023. This doesnt mean that you must do without lovely earrings though. Our Concierge Professionals will help guide you on your search by answering questions, directing your to resources, and connecting you with our trusted vendors. I love all these earrings swinging as I walk! Nope, he''s ulta conservative. I don't need a husband who wants to wear nail varnish. Pretty strange for an Italian man! In the United States, I have seen a number in the store at Kohls and Cato. You can have just about anything hanging from a hook, from the whimsical to the long and sexy. by Diaperman Tue Aug 15, 2006 11:35 pm, Post subject of my fantasy. Hellooooo Kate!! The townie mall is having a sidewalk sale, and I haven't raided THEIR after Xmas clearance sections yet! Required fields are marked *. Obviously I'm not wearing my engagement or wedding rings any longer but what is the feeling on wearing other jewelry from an ex-husband? We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. And what about the sex? This type of fastener is highly recommended for some just starting with hoop earrings. Sami has been a part-time crossdresser for about 5 years. Eliza. by Minion99 Fri Aug 07, 2020 2:55 pm, Post My wife, who I love dearly, has been hinting to me for years now that I should get my ears pierced. Sometimes the fastener goes crooked, so you have to bring it back to where you can see it so that you can get it aligned correctly again. We are on our own and After my last feature article about going braless, my boyfriend was still in disbelief that "cute" undergarments could be uncomfortable. But why the collar My Wife Karen - WebsiteName At my office, however, this was dressed up for casual Friday. And a damn good job he does for 19 month old to do. I sure enjoyed it. Hi, I'm Ron. think it ridiculous and laugh at me. For the last 7 years, i did not wear my earring much. I feel bad about doing this, but I was just trying to assess the extent of what was going on. by Budge27 Fri Jan 26, 2018 8:15 am, Post I too work in a conservative business environment, and I have been pretty much astonished at the lack of comment from friends and colleagues about my 2 earrings (diamond studs that my wife bought me for my birthday). "My God," he Your email address will not be published. How Do Guys Feel When You Wear Jewelry from an Ex? - Women's Health Here is also a link to eBays current listings for studs. ONESING 20 Pcs Dangle Earrings $11.49 $12.99 12% Off Buy Now On Amazon 2. Been looking for a while, but still cant find that perfect gift? to be laced up tightly in a corset by you whilst being restricted, hence the Either the closing mechanism didnt look good, or it didnt work well at keeping the earring in place. He wears his plain platinum comfort fit band and a Tag Heuer watch. It is possible to find hoops that are clip earrings. Hi Sammy, ive had them done 3 times at claires but always removed them soon after. If you want me to go with you you'll let me wear a pair of my flats. upstairs, have a shower and dress you in your new outfit. HOLY SHIT Dave!! Check Out These Cool Dangle Earrings for Men - 2020 Style Guide - SPY okay like this one time one of my sister's b/fs called for her but I said she was on a dateooops. It would be marvelous to be subservient to my husband's demands. My husband has started cross-dressing. I HATE my boyfriend's earrings - is there a good way to talk - reddit hehehe.My little one likes to walk in my heels. It may not display this or other websites correctly. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast 42 101 In this article, we look at men's fashion, specifically everything you need to know about trendy and . In fact, one earring looks unbalanced and incomplete on people with pierced ears. I know it seems silly for the woman to suggest this. I also have a Prince Albert pi*r*i*g and also have both nipples pierced. A year ago I added 1 more pi*r*i*g hole to each ear, so now I typically wear 2 hoops in each ear, or 1 stud and 1 hoop in each ear. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I understand it if you are reluctant to have your ears pierced! My wife is now thinking about a belly pi*r*i*g and a tattoo. This kind of lifestyle might not be a problem to the man, but to his wife and children, it can really be a hell of a boredom. The most obvious reason that stems from childhood is rebellion. There are costume jewelry lines that offer clip earrings. He had 2 holes in one ear, 1 or 2 in the other, they closed up before I met him. You go for the understated look with some small studs or look glamorous with some long and slinky earrings brushing your shoulders. Come on, darling, let's go Im really happy with them and have been wearing all four pairs all weekend while wondering why I didnt do this sooner. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA . Meanwhile, her daughter had finished the first ear on her younger sister. by Guest Wed Aug 23, 2006 4:26 pm, Post collar and handcuffs. Thoughts? But if I see the fake Chanel stuff from Korea at the swap meet again, I'll pick up some clip-ons for ya! The only jewelry he wears is his ring, never a necklace, bracelet, etc. Here are a few choices for hoop earrings to consider, or click to see a full listing of hoop earrings from eBay. Does anyone else have a feminine boyfriend or husband | QUESTIONS | CATEGORIES | BLOG | PROFILE | Login | Register | ASK QUESTION by MetalEd Thu May 14, 2020 8:22 pm, Post by piercedguy Wed Apr 29, 2020 8:12 pm, Post Welcome to my blog! A Story I Don't Want To Tell: Piercing My Ears (for National Piercing