41K 1.2K 38. //I shall go and greet Fred and George. The Bone Man was no more than a boy! How could he place a boy he meant to be a Savior with people who tried to kill him repeatedly? One was to repay Thea for saving his life, and the other purpose was to take revenge on those who killed his family. Did this wizard know where Potter was? When I was one, I was sent away to live with relatives. I will permanently change the shape of this particular scar. I don't own Harry potter it belongs to J.K.Rowling He wanted her. He would simply love the boy to the best of his ability, as he did already. I couldnt act the way I wanted to in Gryffindor, but Dumbledore forced the Sorting Hat to place me there. After a few minutes, his chant ended and Dracos pain faded, leaving stiffness and soreness in its wake. Privacy Policy. You would love it., Alright, one of the red-heads said suddenly, we approve of him if you do. Voldemort paced his private sitting room at Malfoy Manor. I still have the holly wand, if you want it.//. You may be King, but watch the Queen conquer. //Tell your Lord that it will only respond to Parseltongue. Someone who understood him more than anyone else. //Your friends wish to hold you as well, my Wizard. It was super addictive! Yes indeed! Lily fell victim to the charms of Tom Riddle, she ends up pregnant and a paternity test confirms her worst fears. Arwr, he sighed, pressing his lips into the teens hair, you can put them away now. A guilt ridden Severus Snape laments his story to the only creature that comes to visit him in the cell at Azkaban. //Its the brother to your yew wand. When I dont, he drags me up to my room upstairs, with seven locks on the door and bars on the window. Not even they would do this to their own child, especially not just for being magic! Severus was appalled by the thought. Its just feeding for them, even if it is a little magical. Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,076 - Reviews: 53 - Favs: 534 - Follows: 180 - Published: Feb 15, 2009 - Harry P. - Complete Maybe the color isnt from the persons eyes at all? The boy had revolutionary ideas about wandmaking and magic. Dont be, Draco recovered his voice. Harry is fed up and takes things into his own hands and discovers a way to end the war on his own terms. I was lucky the one on the train had studied the prophecy. If Lucius had not been raised with a sense of decorum, he might have waited on the edge of his chair to see the face of this mysterious man. He knows Im powerful but he doesnt know how powerful, and theres nothing to connect me to Harry Potter or the Bone Man. All done, Draco. " , . While Lucius had felt the magic that was thick in the air of the little round hut where he found the Bone Man, only the Dark Lord had gotten a proper demonstration. He sighed. Hadrian nuzzled into his chest. BOY! I still dont think youll be safe there. His Lord had been contacted by a mysterious and powerful supporter who would only meet with him. This is the first thing about her freakish abilities that she doesnt fully despise- she has a soulmate! Lead them well. With the exception of the Dark Mark, the skin was clear. I wont give you the Dark Mark and you can have full control of the Dementors. It seems impossible.. Rabastans were also sealed with a Dementors life, but Ive done others with animals. How did Black manage to stay near enough to train with them? The subject of Albuss distress was a missing fifteen-year-old boy. They will be interested to know that I am in the process of acquiring another set of twins. Yes, Potter, I accept your alliance and your terms, unconditionally. The presence stealing across his mind told him who it was. Once a summer, it became our little ritual, didnt it? He was so Dark, and it was beautiful. It wasquite impressive. Now, who was the dismissive one here? Magically Powerful Harry Potter Harry is a Little Shit Mentally unstable characters yknow because this is a creepypasta Fic Implied/Referenced Child Abuse Implied/Referenced Self-Harm Panic Attacks Cute Harry Potter murderous Harry Potter Vernon Dursley Being an Asshole Albus Dumbledore Bashing Hurt/Comfort He did the same to the purple man, who had become a pulpy mass on the floor. Then there was this man, the Bone Man, who had rescued his Horcrux from Potter himself! I trained under the Dementors of Azkaban, before they joined him. Hadrian raised a fist to knock, but changed his mind and simply opened the door and strode through, his father following. He was pale and had dark hair cropped close to his head, almost shaved. Featuring backstory and two idiots who think the best way to resolve burgeoning feelings is murder. Ok, the twins shouted together, question time! Hadrian grinned. What is that supposed to mean? Severus sneered at the implied slight that his shields were not as strong as everyone thought. Draco moved slightly away from the older wizard and saw his father and Rabastan do the same. Lucius is your most trusted and an excellent strategist. Out rose a small box made of a dark wood. Hadrian pulled away from Rabastan and twisted to show his back. The Bone-Sign you gave us is more important than blood., //This is your family, my Wizard,// the King added. Maleficent was flying through the city when she heard a weeping child outside Harry Potter was tired. It wasnt until the Quidditch match, there one where I fell off my broom, that they remove enough that I could speak with them. My Lord, if I may, did you insult him in some way? Lucius asked. With you, Draco would only be another soldier to order around, and he really isnt a killer. "But Professor - " She said Harry Potter wakes up after a brutal beating. Very well. //An admirable attempt, Lord Voldemort, but the Bone Man does not speak aloud. The large, mustachioed man looked up as Hadrian entered the room. He frowned at the heart and tossed it aside casually. Sort By. Tom es Voldemort y Voldemort es Tom, son dos universos que colisionan en un slo cuerpo inestable, el caos hecho materia; uno que vaga entre los magos temblorosos que le juran lealtad, vanaglorindose y creyendo estar completo hasta qu un par de esmeraldas, le demuestran lo incompleto que est. They were black. Who are your parents, if I may ask? Albus thought they must be very Dark, if the boy anticipated students attacking him left and right. Why now? he asked. Quickly, he pulled it into his core, converting it to pure magic. Five weeks later, he remembers. That would explain why the owls wont even try to deliver any letters. Please, sit and warm yourself.//. //Mourning One, perhaps he could serve me yet.// Hadrian explained his wand that needed a core. Grey eyes flashed open and his jaw clenched, but he did not scream. Although, he thought. I have renounced that name. He turned to the teen in his lap. I got the belt after any accidental magic, but I couldnt stop it. Ready? Now if only he could really find the freedom everyone kept telling him had. There was a message carved onto her skull. The dark skinned Auror was green, remembering the sight. If the blood ties were cut, he could truly start a new life as Gallus Hadrian Black. Voldemort studied the young wizard seated on his right at the breakfast table. Now hes just mine. Hadrian gave them a smile, letting his happiness at being with Rabastan again wash through the connection he still had with all their minds. Harry Potter is a famous arrested Death Eater who is facing trial before the eyes of his family and the whole wizarding world. The child was sick. It was a good thing only the Inner Circle and Hadrians marked followers had been there. ". Number 12, Grimmauld Place is a Black residence. It started as irritation, but it grew into an obsession he could never name. //I am sorry it had to happen, Mourning One,// he said. The Weasley boy beside her just looked bored and annoyed. Write your life anew, my Wizard.//. CLICK HERE! Arwr? piped up one twin. Its a common procedure here at Hogwarts. Inform me when you have completed the wand, I wish to see you test it.//, //Thank you, my Lord, I will let you know. The Dark Lord gave her a sharp look. No Male Slash. Voldemort vanished the bowl and knives. I have named him nderung, German for change, Hadrian explain for the benefit of those who were not parselmouths. I regret that I had to treat him the way I did. A sharp wrench separated it from her body. Of course! Im afraid not, Molly. You- youre too much sometimes! he gasped out. A scoff was heard down the table. Harry Potter, the boy who lived, re-enters the magical world with his friends aided by their instructions. //Hush, my Wizard,// the King told him, //there is no soul who could fault you for your feelings. Understand?. He was tired of being used and abused. Complete Dark Harry Stories | FanFiction My face for school is quite striking, more so than this one.//, What is it, if I may ask? Severus asked. //However, tell your Lord that I ama bit of a specialist with souls. Thats my house now, and I want my enemies out of it! I am trying to make them my followers! Though everyone had seen Madame Vance that morning. He needed to move on to his little show before Voldemort got too side-tracked with dull questions about where he had been and when he had turned Dark and all. The drop of blood expanded and changed, spelling out three names. Hadrian stuck the bony woman to a chair. Tom has his own dream of becoming Prime Minister. My son and heir. To everyones shock, he too hugged Hadrian. Hadrian was fearless and crazier than him. History may hate us, but they'll never forget our names. Am I correct in assuming that you are the new student? He gestured to the chairs. Hadrian watched as the Fred and George touched fingers again. O quinto ano de Hogwarts ia comear, os alunos praticamente conseguiam sentir no ar a tenso que se espalhava pelo mundo bruxo, acreditando ou no na volta de voc sabe quem. There was no white to his eyes, just the purest black. It is you! Any suggestions welcome. Draco has a better standing with the Bone Man than in my ranks. Draco blushed and looked at the floor. He was quite angry he couldnt convince you to hand it over. When Alexandria Gregory turned 18, she met her mate and that is Azrael Shepherd, the Alpha of her rival pack. somehow, as always this is unedited and unbeta'd we die like dobby, Demons & Deathwalkers: The Dark Lord is a Hufflepuff, Smut doesn't happen until the characters are of age, Harry Potter is Lord of Multiple Noble Houses. If you will still offer me your hand, I would take it now.. It explains the name: Monster.. There, I was taught by a hermit crazier than my own mother. You honor my family with your remembrance,// the Dementor replied. The Most Powerful Wizards In The Harry Potter Universe, Ranked - ScreenRant When Harry started to become the Bone Man, he had marked them with the Bone-Sign, too. Can I not convince you to tell me your name?, //I am the Bone Man. One more question, though.. Powerful/dark/violent/trained Harry : r/HPfanfiction - reddit As a rule, Malfoys did not admit to fear. Do not fear my anger, you are my equal,// Voldemort chided. Like father, like son, I suppose. What did you do? Hadrian paused with in shirt half on and shrugged. Harry Potter Tom Riddle | Voldemort Draco Malfoy Rabastan Lestrange Bellatrix Black Lestrange Ron Weasley George Weasley Fred Weasley Albus Dumbledore Severus Snape Lucius Malfoy Original Dementor Characters Hermione Granger Ginny Weasley Theodore Nott Original Characters Bartemius Crouch Jr. Blaise Zabini Additional Tags: To be Fate's Chosen is a Blessing and a Curse. Which means that now Neville is the one fighting Voldemort. I am not trying to make friends with them! Lord Voldemort had never wanted to be a father, but, watching Hadrian, he was glad he had made the choice to adopt the boy when Rabastan had suggested it. Got it! He closed his eyes and waved his hand before blinking rapidly. //He has gone for a walk in the gardens. He brought out the knives for that. Hadrian focus intently on his work. Albus sat in in office at Hogwarts, waiting for someone to come. Part one of the Dark Prince Series. The Bone Man was not a name they had heard before. That was until Kiara stepped into his life, like a breath of fresh air or a storm on a hot summers night. You will have the most authority over him.. Bone Man, it is good to meet you at last. The creature folded him up in his cloak. Mine used to be a very pale blue, Voldemort informed his son. Albus was shock once again. You look so dangerous now!. Everyone turned to look at the man in black, standing in the shadows. He could not doubt it, however. My right one?, Sure thing. ~Do I meet your satisfaction?~, ~Yes,~ he responded, nodding. These marks are all I have left of my previous family. Biyenan:Layuan mo na ang anak ko! Voldemort glared at him. They are rathernortorious. Voldemort now understood what Lucius had meant. Whispered tales that sound like wild exaggeration would sow terror much faster than factual reports and the element of humanity found in a mans name. Dracos answer prompted a dazzling smile from Potter that left him nearly breathless. It was the cause of the singular connection you two shared. It was the first time Lucius had heard the Bone Man speak. He doubted my power at breakfast this morning. What if the protection Lily and James had sacrificed their lives for had unforeseen results? He claimed the title and consolidated both the Potter and Black vaults.. Lucius was startled to hear the boy speak the very quote in his mind, but the presence was soothing and he quickly calmed again. //Thank you.// Harry pulled away from Rabastan and moved to stand in front of Draco. Many character deaths. Now, I reveal myself to you.//. Wrong, Petunia, Hadrian said in a voice like ice, dropping his glamours. We cannot allow the boy to follow in his fathers footsteps. Come with me, Draco, itll take a few hours and only hurt a lot, I promise. As for you, ickle Diddykins, Ill take payment for my broken bones now. //Of course, my Lord, but no one can know my name for now. The records are sealed after that point, but the goblins tell me that the current Lord Black is not Harry Potter but one Gallus Hadrian Black. MONSTER was carved in grey letters across his back, speaking of the exact opinion of the boys torturers. We will wait for Draco and Rabastan to join us, however. Im not ready to tell everyone yet. Are you runes still green? he wondered. Shoulder blades are good, or I can wrap it around any large bone., I like the constellation idea, Draco answered. Ill cover my scar- my recognizable scar- and change my eyes, but all the rest will be open. I grew up in the cupboard under the stair, hated, and I didnt even know why. Ill tell you when we come back. They would gain the upper hand in the war very quickly if this man would join his Lord. //The Dark Lord and Bella performed a blood adoption ritual this morning. What can he do, tell them ghost stories in their heads? she sneered. For twelve long years, the dreaded fortress of Azkaban held the infamous prisoner named Sirius Black. It contains Apparition coordinates and a time and date for a meeting. He had no idea that Lord Black was still a schoolboy. The Dark Lord is very curious about how such a supposedly powerful Dark wizard escaped his notice. Tracing them over and over keeps her sane, fantasizing about her saviour finally arriving to take her away from the Dursleys.Her rescue comes in the shape of a letter, and Hogwarts enchants Aster to the point of completely forgetting about soulmates. It was dying slowly. Weariness? I am sure you are searching for answers now. The Light thinks he is dead. Though, she has always been somewhateagerfor his attention.. Madness had reigned on the Dark side before he came. Harry Potter had the most recognizable face in the wizarding world.. He gets answer after answer, to questions he never would have asked otherwise.Everything changes, after that. Dark Lord Harry Potter He's good I promise BAMF Percy Weasley Past Character Death Trauma should be a character Dark Magic Necromancy Humor Hogwarts Fifth Year Harry Potter had a plan.it wasn't a very good plan, but at least it was simple. The boy was not particularly tall, but he was strong and lithe, with his figure enhanced by the well-cut robes of the deepest black. Do not worry, Lucius, your son will be safe. He died just this past year, and I decided I could protect myself well enough to return to Britain. Lucius turned to his son with a proud light in his eyes. Harry Potter grows up with good role models and a loving family. Some of his closest friends were Dementors, after all. I left them at the gate for you to decide to let them in or not. Hadrian smirked. Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape together could not have broken them. Briefly he wondered if he would have to involve himself in some way with the strange open relationship the boy was having with Rabastan and Draco, but he decided Hadrian was too old to play the concerned-father role. Voldemort, however, was puzzled. The Dark Lord looked into the very different eyes of his son. Professor, have you found anything new? Hermione Granger asked. //If you say Chosen One or Savior or any other stupid name theyve given me, I will end you and happily add your ear bones to my collection.// Harry let cold seep into the younger Malfoys mind. Under his hood, Harry grinned. However, he changed the vaults after the will was made, making it null and void., For there to be a new Lord Black, wouldnt Harry have to be dead? asked Hermione with a thoughtful expression. He got desperate when he couldnt kill me, started trying to carve out my heart. Lord Black, I have brought two young men who say they are followers of yours. My Inner Cicle. The pendant is not the original container, but it is a better one. Harry goes to the first year and came to know that he was just a tool of Dumbledore. . . 465 Stories. Whats it like, their connection? Rabastan asked Hadrian. I am aware that you are currently using Number 12, Grimmauld Place as a headquarters for your organization. Warning contains Reverse Harem erotica content and mature themes. It was a beautiful sound, one that echoed in Luciuss ears and mind, since he laughed with both voices, and Lucius wondered how close of a relationship he had with the Lestrange brother. Of course, I also offer my power and skill with souls.//, I will not accept you unless you tell me your name and show me this power you say you have., //If you have a prisoner in your dungeon, I can give you a demonstration tonight. Griphook helped me with all the paperwork to declare Harry James Potter legally dead and create Gallus Hadrian Black. Dont kill any of the important ones for me, though., Its ok, Draco, I wont. The mismatched eyes fixed upon the Headmaster with a calculating gaze. As for his taskwell, Draco may not be a killer, but I assure you I have no such problems. What should he do. The cold and the hatred in his mind were so painful. He and the boy had grown very close in the fortnight he had been with them. Magically Powerful Harry Potter - Works | Archive of Our Own Can the rest of you leave, please? What had changed? //Excellent! Voldemort considered this. Harry Potter and the Power of Infinity(Discontinued under rewrite AU: You are born with your soulmate's name on your wrist. Its worse, Hadrian replied. It was not invasive or painful. Fully put together again, he laid Draco down on the bed. I could use any blood, but the Dementors has the strongest connection to the magic and it comes with a nifty little side effect.// At the Dark Lords raised eyebrow he explained, //the Dementors cant bother you anymore. After all, Dumbledore was a bit careless with, Site: fanfiction.net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 10 | Words: 111,868 | Reviews: 2,337 | Favs: 7,514 | Follows: 4,672 | Updated: 5/3/2012 | Published: 9/11/2008 | Status: Complete | id: 4532363 | Language: English | Genre: Adventure/Humor | Characters: Harry P. | Download: EPUB or MOBI, Powerful, dark, violent, and well trained Harry who showed his martial art skills right in the first couple chapters, Extreme Dumbledore and Weasley bashing, even including Arthur and the Twins, Remus, Tonks, and remaining Order all bashed mercilessly.